Pump Up Chats with Author Blanca Beyar


Blanca, who is known by students as Lavanya, wears several hats in the Spiritual/Holistic Arena. She is a Doctor of Natural Health, a Spiritual Counselor, Shaman and Guru. Blanca has also authored five self-help books and produces her own television show, “Spiritual Teachings with Lavanya.” Her greatest passion is to fulfill her mission in helping humanity to unveil their wholeness and to discover bliss and happiness. To learn more about Blanca, you can visit her website at: http://spiritascend.com

Thank you for this interview, Blanca.  Do you remember writing stories as a child or did the writing bug come later?  Do you remember your first published piece?

A: As a child I loved to read books but never really expressed an interest to write. If someone would have told me that I was going to write books in the future I probably would have chuckled at the thought.

My yearning for writing emerged while I was on my spiritual path. I began to keep a journal of my meditations and experiences during my quest and suddenly one day, I began to hear an inner-voice that was speaking to me. I was intrigued and began to have a dialogue with my higher self. In time, I was inspired to write articles on spirituality and then without much thought but an immense sense of purpose, I wrote my first book, “The Path that Leads the Way.” Today, I would no longer laugh if someone told me that I am destined to write…today, I humbly recognize that writing and sharing is one of my divine callings and mission in life.

What do you consider as the most frustrating side of becoming a published author and what has been the most rewarding?

A: The most frustrating aspect of becoming published to me is the mainstream protocol that exists in many traditional publishers that require an author to present a “celebrity” status in order to become published. It is my experience and observation that in order to become published by many traditional publishers, you must already possess a known status within the social circles. This unspoken protocol leaves very little room for new authors to break into the publishing industry. Luckily, there are many opportunities today to self-publish and to realize the goal of presenting your books to the masses.

The most rewarding aspect of being a published author to me is when I receive a letter or email from someone who has read my book and has received guidance and inspiration and who has been able to transform their lives as a result of reading my book. It is a grace to know that your words and emotions have touched someone who you have never met…it really captures the power behind the written word.

Goddess Mother Speaks Are you married or single and how do you combine the writing life with home life?  Do you have support?

A: Combining home life with writing can be challenging at times to a writer. I am married and have a 16 year old son so we have an active household but my son and husband both understand and respect that I require a certain amount of “quiet time” for writing. I have a private office in my home where I conduct all my writing. When the door is closed, my family respects my need to “zone” so that I am able to gather my thoughts and inspirations for my writing. To balance home life, I also make sure to take the time to do fun things with my family and to take time off to replenish and nourish myself.

What do you like to do for fun when you’re not writing?  Where do you like to vacation?  Can you tell us briefly about this?

A: When I am not writing or attending to my practice, I absolutely love to go out dancing. There is something very cosmic and grounding in music and I love to allow the movements of dancing to help me to release stress and to find my harmony with Earth. In addition to dancing, I also enjoy motorcycle riding with my husband; there is a great feeling of freedom when you ride in the open air. I love to read and to spend time with my teenage son, visiting bookstores and enjoying a good cup of coffee.

For vacation, I love visiting any location that has oceans. I am not much into touring sites but rather consider it a vacation when I am able to just relax, replenish and just ”be.” One of my favorite vacation spots is in Paradise Island, in the Bahamas. I find the ocean there to be very purifying and healing.

If you could be anywhere in the world for one hour right now, where would that place be and why?

A: Wow…speaking of the Oceans, I think that if I could take an hour right now to travel somewhere, I would situate myself in a quiet beach, perhaps in the Bahamas or somewhere in the Caribbean where the waters are crystal clear and beautiful. There is something about the waters that instantly brings me to a heighten state of peace, bliss and clarity. Some of my most profound spiritual moments have occurred while laying at a beach, totally immersed in the healing sounds of the waters.

Who is your biggest fan?

A: Hum…another tough question. I have so many students who absolutely adore  and support me in everything that I do. I have students in other countries around the world who I have never met and yet, their love and devotion is steadfast and constant. However, I feel that one of my biggest fans is a student, Lisa Ajello.

Lisa came to me as a client 8 years or so ago and throughout the years she has not only healed but then became a beacon of light and of inspiration for many. Her immense devotion to me and my work has opened the door for countless of beings. As the founder of Eye PR Media, Lisa has used many available venues of promotions to advocate my work and my books. It never surprises me when I meet someone new to discover that Lisa was the catalyst who introduced them to my work and persuaded them to seek me.

Where’s your favorite place to write at home?

A: There is only one place that I write—and it is in my home office. I have never been able to effectively write anywhere else. I am not the kind of writer who can jot down ideas on a notepad or speak into a tape-recorder. The surroundings of my office actually create a vortex of energy for me to get into a zone. My office is adorned with sacred statues and paintings of diversified spiritual cultures that all exude a very healing energy. I love to sit in front of my computer, while having serene music playing in the background and the loving scent of my favorite aromatherapy oil burning. It is a sanctuary for me and my writing.

Do you have any pets?

A: I currently have a cat. Her name is Cleo. She is a beautiful Blue Russian and we adopted her a little over a year ago from a rescue home. She is very sensitive to people and is very loving. However, she is also a troublemaker and is constantly getting into places in our home where she creates havoc. We recently moved and now have a door from our kitchen that leads to our backyard. Cleo has discovered the outdoors and runs out any opportunity that she gets into the backyard. We are not sure if we are happy having her roaming out and then coming back into the home. Although we love her, we are weighing our options to finding her a home.

Tell us a secret no one else knows.

A: Hum. If I shared a secret that on one knows, then it would no longer be a secret! This is a tough question because I enjoy being an open book with my students and clients. I often share many of my life’s experiences and struggles with my students in order to offer them a humble example that no matter how evolved we are, we will always be presented with great experiences and also with challenges.

I guess that if I had to dig deep into a secret that I have never really shared with many it would be about my not completing elementary or JHS and having to earn a GED diploma before entering college. There was a time in my life when I was ashamed of this secret. Today, I am not only proud of all that I have accomplished in spite of, but can also humbly see how this experience was divinely orchestrated in order to complete who I am today.

What’s on your to do list today?

A: I began the day by having breakfast with my husband and son. I planned on having only one session in my office. I am also working on completing the rest of my virtual interviews and later tonight, I am attending a party event to celebrate the launching of a new magazine, FoxCode, which one of my beloved students, Lisa Ajello, is heading the PR work for.

Now I’ve got a couple of fun questions for you.  If Tom Hanks, in the movie Cast Away, unearthed a copy of your book, how would that help him find a way off the island?

A: I love your questions! Wow, if Tom Hanks found a copy of “Goddess Mother Speaks” in the middle of the deserted Island, he would be invited to recognize that he was there for a divine reason. He would be inspired to go within and to understand why he needed to be in such a place of solitude; perhaps to recognize how precious life is and also to help him to align with his greater purpose in life. He would certainly learn how to embrace how powerful and creative he is and to tap into those energies in order to draw to him the means to get off the Island—but not until he first embraced the reason/s why he was brought to that experience in the first place. Finally, Tom would learn that he has a vital mission to complete on earth and would be eager to return to “the world” in order to fulfill it!

You have a chance to appear on the hit talent show for authors, American Book Idol to determine whether your book will make it to Hollywood and become a big screenplay where you’d make millions of dollars.  What would impress them more – your book cover, an excerpt or your author photo – and why?

A: Tough question. It is a tough question because I believe that all three choices would attract and intrigue the judges. First, the book cover of the “Goddess Mother Speaks” was created by an amazing artist, Vivian Pisano, and it captures a very unique depiction of the Goddess Mother; soft, gentle, majestic and sensual yet very feminine and sacred.

I believe that if the judges read an excerpt from the book, they would feel the potent love energy of the Goddess and be captivated by her pure words and calling for everyone to embrace the energies of unconditional love and unity. Finally, I humbly feel that a photo of me would also intrigue the judges because every molecule of who I am, of what I wear and even the color of my hair, radiates a spark of the golden energy of the Goddess.

You just got word that your book has received the 2011 NY Times Bestselling Book Award and you have to attend the ceremony to give an acceptance speech.  Anyone who’s anyone will be there and it’s your shot for stardom.  What would you say and who would you thank?

A: I would begin by thanking the God Force for giving me the opportunity to fulfill my mission in life. I would extend my eternal gratitude to the countless of students and clients who have supported me through the last thirteen years.

I would say that I am beyond bliss that my book succeeded in making the NY Times Bestselling list because it meant that the masses were reading the book and that as a consequence of that, many lives would be transformed…and that as a whole, we could experience a beautiful renewal of our lives and our Earth.

I understand that you are touring with Pump Up Your Book Promotion in July via a virtual book tour.  Can you tell us all why you chose a virtual book tour to promote your book online?

A: Honestly I recently discovered this innovative way of book promotions. I was doing research online on how to promote my book and came across the Pump Up Your Book web site. I thought it was a great way to promote on the WWW and to get optimal exposure for a reasonable investment of money and time. I recognize the huge presence on the Internet and felt it was a wonderful way to compliment my other promotional plans such as conducting seminars and book signings.

Thank you for this interview, Blanca. Good luck on your virtual book tour!

A: Thank you very much! I must say that I truly enjoyed this interview and I look forward to connecting again in the near future. Lots of love and light to all.

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