Pump Up Your Book Presents John R. York’s The Five Watches: An Accident of Time Virtual Book Publicity Tour #TimeTravel

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Pump Up Your Book is pleased to bring you John R. York’s The Five Watches: An Accident of Time Virtual Book Tour July 17 – August 17.

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Like #TimeTravel Books? Check Out The Five Watches: An Accident of Time by John R. York #pageturner #puyb #bynr #asmsg #amreading #TheFiveWatches Share on X

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About the Book books

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The Five Watches

Title: The Five Watches
Author: John R. York
Publisher: DocUmeantPublishing
Pages: 316
Genre: Time Travel

What might happen if a handful of people living in different eras became entangled in time, some intentionally and some accidentally? The nineteenth-century scientist, Dr. Wilhelm Gussen, is passionate about improving the welfare of mankind, and so he begins a journey through time in a quest to learn about future advances in epidemiology. Physicist Emory Lynch, from the twenty-seventh century, studies an old pocket watch, said to be a time travel device, and accidently stumbles into the twenty-first century. In 2019, Jim Zimmerman, the de facto neighborhood go-to guy, finds himself caught in the middle of a clandestine, future conspiracy. True to his character, he becomes inextricably involved in future affairs that involve saving humanity from itself—dragging his wife and a few neighbors along for the ride. Thus, begins a time travel adventure that examines the stubborn predictability of human behavior and how some things, even over time, never seem to change.


The Five Watches is filled with interesting characters and enchanting tapestries woven into the fabric of time itself. John explores not only the ravages of time but more importantly the impact of individual kindness, caring, and selflessness towards others that is heartwarming. I enjoyed this suspenseful page turner, the connection to everyday people and to imaginable heroes that we can all strive to become. Uplifting! – Jim Richards, Beta Reader

Amazon: https://tinyurl.com/46fjjp6f


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About the Author books

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John R. York

John R. York has been writing and publishing his stories since 2016, but he’s always been a storyteller, even as a kid in Central Ohio where he grew up. His life experiences provided him with a wealth of tales to share with others and resulted in his debut work, Wolf’s Tale. He has since published five more novels, including the award-winning Journey to Eden. A retired high-tech executive, he currently lives with his wife, Paula, in New Port Richey, Florida.

Website: www.johnryork.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/john.york.9277

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@johnryork and www.tiktok.com/@dreamwriter

Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/stores/John-York/author/B0771RCZJ2?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/21571052.John_York


  Blog Tour Highlights

Monday, July 17

PUYB Virtual Book Club: Pump Up Your Book Virtual Book Tour Kick OffThe Five Watches by John R. York

Tuesday, July 18

Book Teaser Trailer Feature at YouTube

Wednesday, July 19

Dear Reader, Love Author: Dear Reader, Love John R. York

Friday, July 21

Interview at Book Cover Junkie

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Monday, July 24

The Writer’s Life: A Bookish Chat with ‘The Five Watches’ John R. York

Tuesday, July 25

The Literary Nook: Character Q&A: Jim Zimmerman of John R. York’s The Five Watches

Thursday, July 27

Literarily Speaking: Book Spotlight: The Five Watches

Friday, July 28

Sybrina’s Book Blog: Guest Post by John R. York

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Tuesday, August 1

Blogging Authors: Q&A with John R. York Author of The Five Watches: An Accident of Time

Wednesday, August 2

The Dark Phantom Reviews: In the Spotlight: The Five Watches: an accident of time by John R. York

Friday, August 4

Book Feature Highlight at The Book Connection

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Monday, August 7

Nuttin’ But Books: Author Interview: ‘The Five Watches’ John R. York

Tuesday, August 8

StoreyBook Reviews: Review – The Five Watches by John York

Wednesday, August 9

Community Bookstop: Book Tour: Book Spotlight The Five Waches by John R. York

Thursday, August 10

As the Page Turns: A Bookish Word or Two with John R. York, Author of The Five Watches

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Monday, August 14

Confessions of an Eccentric Bookaholic: Meet the Author: John R. York, Author of The Five Watches: An Accident of Time

Tuesday, August 15

PUYB Virtual Book Club:Happy Book Birthday to THE FIVE WATCHES: AN ACCIDENT OF TIME

Wednesday, August 16

Hooked From Page One: The First Page: The Five Watches: An Accident of Time

Thursday, August 17

The Story Behind the Book: The Story Behind The Five Watches: An Accident of Time

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