Posts Tagged ‘virtual book tours’

Pump Up Your Book’s September 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour – Day 5

Welcome to Day Five of Pump Up Your Book’s September 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour! Follow along as these talented authors travel the blogosphere all month long to talk about their books, their lives and their future projects. Leave a comment at their blog stops and you could win a FREE virtual book tour if you’re a published author with a recent release or a $50 Amazon gift certificate if you are not published. So, pick your favorites, follow their tours, and make sure you leave them a note to tell them you stopped by! ________________________________________ Shobhan Bantwal, author of the women’s fiction book, The Unexpected Son, will
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Pump Up Chats with Donna McDine

Donna McDine is an award-winning children’s author, Honorable Mention in the 77th and two Honorable Mentions in the 78th Annual Writer’s Digest Writing Competitions. Donna’s stories and features have been published in many print and online publications and her interest in American History resulted in writing and publishing The Golden Pathway. Her second book, The Hockey Agony is under contract and will be published by Guardian Angel Publishing. She writes, moms and is the Publicist Intern for The National Writing for Children Center and Children’s Writers’ Coaching Club from her home in the historical hamlet Tappan, NY. McDine is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers &
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Synarchy Book 2: The Ascension Virtual Book Tour Oct & Nov 2010

Join DCS, author of the science fiction thriller, Synarchy Book 2: The Ascension (SVT Publishing), as she virtually tours the blogosphere in October and November ‘10 on her second virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! About DCS DCS was born in Alexandria, Virginia. She graduated high school in Huntersville, NC and attended the University of North Carolina at Charlotte intent on earning a degree in Political Science and becoming a lawyer. She instead eventually turned to writing. DCS is currently attending the American Institute of Holistic Theology to earn her PhD in Metaphysical Spirituality. You can also hear her live every Saturday evening on BlogTalkRadio’s In the
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Pump Up Your Book’s September Authors on Virtual Book Tour – Day 4

Welcome to Day Four of Pump Up Your Book’s September 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour! Follow along as these talented authors travel the blogosphere all month long to talk about their books, their lives and their future projects. Leave a comment at their blog stops and you could win a FREE virtual book tour if you’re a published author with a recent release or a $50 Amazon gift certificate if you are not published. So, pick your favorites, follow their tours, and make sure you leave them a note to tell them you stopped by! ________________________________________ Shobhan Bantwal, author of the women’s fiction book, The Unexpected Son, will
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New Book for Review: Dog Adventure Book ‘Rose in a Storm’ by Jon Katz

From New York Times bestselling author Jon Katz comes a moving and powerful novel, the first one inspired by life on his celebrated Bedlam Farm—and perceptively told from the point of view of Rose, a dedicated working dog.   Rose is determined and focused, keeping the sheep out of danger and protecting the other creatures on the farm she calls home. But of all those she’s looked after since coming to the farm as a puppy, it is Sam, the farmer, whom she watches most carefully.      Awoken one cold midwinter night during lambing season, Rose and Sam struggle into the snowy dark to do their work. The ever
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Pump Up Your Book’s September Authors on Virtual Book Tour – Day 3

Welcome to Day Three of Pump Up Your Book’s September 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour! Follow along as these talented authors travel the blogosphere all month long to talk about their books, their lives and their future projects. Leave a comment at their blog stops and you could win a FREE virtual book tour if you’re a published author with a recent release or a $50 Amazon gift certificate if you are not published. So, pick your favorites, follow their tours, and make sure you leave them a note to tell them you stopped by! ________________________________________ Shobhan Bantwal, author of the women’s fiction book, The Unexpected Son, will
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Pump Up Chats with Anne Fortier

Anne Fortier, the author of Juliet, grew up in Denmark and emigrated to the United States in 2002 to work in film. She holds a Ph.D. in the History of Ideas from Aarhus University, Denmark, and co-produced the Emmy-winning documentary Fire and Ice: The Winter War of Finland and Russia. You can join her on and read much, much more about Juliet on Thank you for this interview, Anne.  Do you remember writing stories as a child or did the writing bug come later?  Do you remember your first published piece? I started writing stories as soon as I learned how to write, and sent my first
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Little Shepherd Virtual Book Tour October, November, and December ’10

Join Cheryl C. Malandrinos, author of the Christian children’s picture book,  Little Shepherd (Guardian Angel Publishing), as she virtually tours the blogosphere in October, November, and December on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book. About Cheryl C. Malandrinos Cheryl Malandrinos is a freelance writer and editor. A regular contributor for Writer2Writer, her articles focus on increasing productivity through time management and organization. A founding member of Musing Our Children, Ms. Malandrinos is also Editor in Chief of the group’s quarterly newsletter, Pages & Pens. Cheryl is a Tour Coordinator for Pump Up Your Book, a book reviewer, and blogger. Little Shepherd is her first children’s book. Ms. Malandrinos lives in Western
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Pump Up Chats with Women’s Fiction Author Shobhan Bantwal

Shobhan Bantwal calls her writing Bollywood in a Book, commercial fiction about India, women’s issues and socio-political topics, with romantic and cultural elements. Her articles and stories have appeared in The Writer, Romantic Times, India Abroad, Little India, New Woman, and India Currents. Her short fiction has won honors/awards in contests by Writer’s Digest, New York Stories & New Woman magazines. Her debut book, The Dowry Birde, won the 2008 Golden Leaf Award. Visit her website: and her facebook page: Thank you for this interview, Shobhan.  Do you remember writing stories as a child or did the writing bug come later?  Do you remember your first published
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Arsenic and Clam Chowder Virtual Book Tour October & November ’10

Join James Livingston, author of the historical true crime book,  Arsenic and Clam Chowder (SUNY Press), as he virtually tours the blogosphere in October and November on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book. About James Livingston Born June 23, 1930, in Brooklyn, New York, James D. Livingston studied engineering physics at Cornell University and received a PhD in applied physics from Harvard University in 1956. After retiring from General Electric after a lengthy career as a research physicist, he taught in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at MIT. Although a physicist by profession, he has long had a strong interest in American history, and is the coauthor,
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Another World Virtual Book Tour October ’10

Join Philip Stott, author of the Christian science-fiction adventure novel,  Another World(Nordskog Publishing, Inc.), as he virtually tours the blogosphere in October on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book. About Philip Stott Philip Stott was born in England in 1943. He studied at Manchester University, where he obtained B.S. (with honours) and M.S. degrees in Civil Engineering. He lectured at universities in Nigeria and South Africa and carried out research in the analysis of geometrically nonlinear structures. He shared the Henry Adams Award for outstanding research in 1969. While lecturing at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, he studied biology. After leaving Wits he joined an
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  • September 8, 2010
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As the Sycamore Grows Virtual Book Tour October ’10

Join Jennie Helderman, author of the nonfiction narrative, As the Sycamore Grows (Summers Bridgewater Press), as she virtually tours the blogosphere in October on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! About Jennie Helderman Jennie Helderman broke the glass ceiling at age ten by becoming the first girl page in the Alabama State Legislature. That surge of girl power wouldn’t be the last time she saw a need to put women’s issues at the forefront. Years later, after she helped set up a crisis-call center in an old house, a cry for help at the other end of the phone line resounded in her head. That
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West Oversea Virtual Book Tour October ’10

Join Lars Walker, author of the Christian Norse adventure novel, West Oversea: A Norse Saga of Mystery, Adventure and Faith (Nordskog Publishing, Inc.), as he virtually tours the blogosphere in October on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book. About Lars Walker Lars (pronounced Larce) Walker is a native of Kenyon, Minnesota, and  lives in Minneapolis. He has worked as a crabmeat packer in Alaska, a radio announcer, a church secretary and an administrative assistant, and is presently librarian and bookstore manager for the schools of the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations in Plymouth, Minnesota. He is the author of four previously published novels, and is the editor of the journal
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Pump Up Your Book’s September Authors on Virtual Book Tour – Day 2

Welcome to Day Two of Pump Up Your Book’s September 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour! Follow along as these talented authors travel the blogosphere all month long to talk about their books, their lives and their future projects. Leave a comment at their blog stops and you could win a FREE virtual book tour if you’re a published author with a recent release or a $50 Amazon gift certificate if you are not published. So, pick your favorites, follow their tours, and make sure you leave them a note to tell them you stopped by! ________________________________________ Shobhan Bantwal, author of the women’s fiction book, The Unexpected Son, will
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The Power of the Blue Medallion Virtual Book Tour September 2010

Join Les Berman, author of the young adult science fiction novel, The Power of the Blue Medallion, as he virtually tours the blogosphere in September, 2010, on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book. About Les Berman Raised in Southern California, Les Berman earned his bachelor degree in Sociology with a minor in Math from Long Beach State University, and a Masters in Education from Pepperdine University. Currently retired from the ABC Unified School District, Les also volunteers his time coaching young track and field athletes for a private club in Long Beach California. Les has coached many International and Olympic Athletes over the past forty
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Pump Up Chats with Susie Hobson

  Susie Hobson has a B.A. in Special Education and an M.S. in Rehabilitation Counseling from The University of Alabama.  She worked as a Rehabilitation Counselor for the Alabama Dept. of Rehabilitation Services for sixteen years managing a deaf/hearing-impaired and blind/vision-impaired caseload.  She retired to spend more time with her family and to write as God has called her.  She and her husband Rich have two daughters.  They live in Montgomery, Alabama.  Susie’s book, Loving God with All Your Heart, was published by Nordskog Publishing (   Thank you for this interview, Susie.  Do you remember writing stories as a child or did the writing bug come later?  Do you remember
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Love Means Zero Virtual Blog Tour Sept & Oct 2010

Join Daisy Jordan, author of the sports/women’s novel, Love Means Zero (Llumina Press), as she virtually tours the blogosphere in September and October ‘10 on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! About Daisy Jordan Daisy Jordan is an obsessive tennis fan and wrote this book so she could live out her dream-job fantasy through Hilton. Before deciding to write a book about the tennis tour, she wrote six other books, including Everything Happens for a Reason…, the Spin the Bottle series, and All That Sparkles Isn’t Real Sapphire. Even before that, she grew up in Indiana watching tennis all summer every summer on TV, and
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Fission Virtual Book Tour September 2010

Join Tom Weston, author of the historical fiction online series and upcoming novel Fission (Tom Weston Media), as he virtually tours the blogosphere in September ‘10 on his third virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! About Tom Weston Originally from England, Tom now resides in Boston, Massachusetts. Before turning his hand to fiction, Tom had a successful career as the CEO of a consulting company, conference speaker and writer of industry articles and business books.  But determining that the business world lacked a sense of humor, Tom decided to hand in his jacket and tie and instead turned to the world of literature. His novel, First Night,
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Pump Up Chats with Historical Novelist Leonora Pruner

Leonora Pruner (nee Borge) was born in Dubuque, Iowa, then moved with her parents to her grandparents’ home in Pasadena, California during the Second World War.  She graduated from Westmont College in 1953 and earned an MBA from Pepperdine University in 1981.  Writing was an interest since Junior High School and became a serious occupation as her children grew.  What began as a bit of research evolved into an exotic decade of living in Maldives, the middle of the Indian Ocean, with a Maldivian family, and teaching school there.  Her son and daughter have given her 13 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren.  Currently she lives with her daughter’s family in
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The Unexpected Son Virtual Book Tour September ’10

Join Shobhan Bantwal, author of the women’s fiction book, The Unexpected Son (Kensington Publishing Corp.), as she virtually tours the blogosphere in September ‘10 on her fourth virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! About Shobhan Bantwal Shobhan Bantwal calls her writing “Bollywood in a Book,” romantic, colorful, action-packed tales, rich with elements of Indian culture. Born and raised in India and now an American citizen, Shobhan had an arranged marriage and writes about that topic and other controversial social topics unique to India. THE UNEXPECTED SON is her fourth book. Shobhan’s articles and short stories have appeared in a variety of publications including The Writer magazine, Romantic
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Pump Up Your Book Chats with Jonathan Williams

Jonathan Williams served as a missionary with the International Mission Board’s Xtreme Team in the jungles of Peru for two years. It was there, lying under a mosquito net in a hut in the middle of the Amazon Jungle, that Williams began to write his first novel, Jungle Sunrise.  Living with a previously unreached indigenous tribe, the Amarakaeri, Williams experienced first-hand the beauty and danger of native life as he had the opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, hunt with bows and arrows, fish with spears, navigate the rivers, and encounter every aspect of the tribe’s culture. This breathtaking scene of the Amazon serves as the backdrop for Jungle
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Loving God with All Your Heart Virtual Book Tour September ’10

Join Susie Hobson, author of the Christian Living book, Loving God with All Your Heart: Keeping the Greatest Commandment in Everyday Life (Nordskog Publishing), as she virtually tours the blogosphere in September on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book. About Susie Hobson Susie Hobson has a B.A. in Special Education, M.S. in Rehabilitation Counseling from the University of Alabama, and carried a deaf / hearing-impaired and blind / vision-impaired caseload for 16 years. She retired for more time with family and to write as God has called her. She and her husband Rich have two daughters, Whitney and Amelia, live in Montgomery, and attend Lakeview Baptist Church.
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The Golden Pathway Virtual Book Tour September/October ’10

Join Donna McDine, author of the historical story book, The Golden Pathway (Guardian Angel Publishing), as she virtually tours the blogosphere in September and October on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book. About Donna McDine Donna McDine is an award-winning children’s author, Honorable Mention in the 77th Annual Writer’s Digest Writing Competition and two Honorable Mentions in the 78th Annual Writer’s Digest Writing Competition. Donna’s stories and features have been published in many print and online publications, and her first book, The Golden Pathway, will be published through Guardian Angel Publishing. Ms. McDine is a member of the SCBWI, Musing Our Children, and The National Writing for Children Center.
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Pump Up Your Book Chats with Jackie M. Johnson

Jackie M. Johnson is an author and freelance writer. Her first book, Power Prayers for Women, has sold nearly 200,000 copies. She has also written articles, poetry, and hundreds of devotionals for Focus on the Family’s Renewing the Heart website, and was a contributor to A Cup of Comfort, coauthored by James Stuart Bell and Carol McLean Wilde. A native of Milwaukee, Jackie lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Visit her encouragement blog, A New Day Café, at or her website, Jackie’s latest book is When the Love Ends and the Ice Cream Carton is Empty (Moody May 2010). Thank you for this interview, Jackie. Do you remember
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Book Review: An Axe to Grind by F.M. Meredith

Title: An Axe to Grind Author: F.M. Meredith Genre: Crime/police procedural Publisher: Dark Oak Mysteries Pages: 178 ISBN: 978- 1892343789 Rating: SYNOPSIS Detective Doug Milligan and his partner question suspects in the murder of a stalker including the stalker’s target, her boyfriend, father and brother, as well as the stalker’s step-father. The investigation leaves little time for Doug to see his fiancée and fellow officer, Stacey Wilbur. Stacey handles a molestation case which involves the son of a friend. She and her mother talk wedding plans, though all must wait until Doug’s renter, Officer Gordon Butler finds another place to live. When Doug disappears while tailing a suspect, Stacey
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“When tour begins, how much will I have to be on call on a daily basis?”

Since Pump Up Your Book opened its doors back in ’07 (was Pump Up Your Book Promotion back then), we’ve had thousands of questions pour in about our services and about virtual book tours in general. Every Friday, I’ll be posting a new question to help everyone learn more about what we do and what virtual book tours can do for them. If you’d like to submit your question, click here. Vincent asks: When the tour begins, how much will I have to be on call on a daily basis? The most successful tour is when there are team players and with virtual book tours, the team players are
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October ’09 National Media Placements

National Media Placements for Pump Up Your Book Promotion Clients We are happy to announce the following placements during the most recent tours with Pump Up Your Book Promotion in October ’09.  We wish congratulations to all the authors who made it! Dianne Castell, author of the romance novel, Hot and Irresistible, appeared in USA Today during her  October and November ’09 tour with Pump Up Your Book Promotion.  Visit her tour page here. Lady Colin Campbell, author of the biography/psychology book, Daughter of Narcissus, appeared in an October edition of the Chicago Sun Times during her October ’09 virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book Promotion.  Visit
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How to Find the Magic Key to Selling Books

Years ago, before book tours – virtually, that is – and before Twitter and Facebook even – when an author wanted to promote her/his book, they had very few choices in which to do this namely – e-groups, writer’s boards and forums, and wherever else they could find to get their book mentioned. They bought ads in writer magazines (some resulted in little or no sales), they started websites and later, blogs, and they hunted down websites that they could advertise their book, mainly free listings to save them some money. When my first print book, Romancing the Soul, came out, my publisher was very supportive; however I know
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  • October 5, 2009
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Talking Virtual Book Tours with Young Adult Fantasy Author Melissa Burmester

Melissa Burmester is presently living in East Moriches, NY with her twin brother George, her parents and their cat Cosmo. Melissa has been writing about vampires and the supernatural since the age of twelve. She has written a few short stories, but Ginger High is her first novel.  She is presently attending Westhampton Beach High School, and is in the tenth grade. She is planning a career as a writer and a teacher.  You can visit her website at or her blog at Melissa will be on a virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book Promotion Virtual Book Tours in October and is here with us
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Dorothy Thompson and Cheryl Malandrinos Talks Virtual Book Tours on A Book and a Chat

Dorothy Thompson and Cheryl Malandrinos had the privilege of talking about their online book marketing company, Pump Up Your Book Promotion, on Barry Eva’s (Storyheart) radio show, A Book and a Chat. Barry was joined by Kim Smith who also runs a Blog Talk Radio Show called Introducing Writers! Radio Show.  Everyone had a blast! If you’d like to listen in, click here! There are talks of this being a monthly feature, so stay tuned!