Posts Tagged ‘virtual book tours’

Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour – Day 17

Welcome to Day Seventeen of Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour! Follow along as these talented authors travel the blogosphere all month long to talk about their books, their lives and their future projects. Leave a comment at their blog stops and you could win a FREE virtual book tour if you’re a published author with a recent release or a $50 Amazon gift certificate if you are not published. So, pick your favorites, follow their tours, and make sure you leave them a note to tell them you stopped by! ________________________________________ Joel M. Andre, author of the horror novel, The Black Chronicles: Cry
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Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour – Day 16

Welcome to Day Sixteen of Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour! Follow along as these talented authors travel the blogosphere all month long to talk about their books, their lives and their future projects. Leave a comment at their blog stops and you could win a FREE virtual book tour if you’re a published author with a recent release or a $50 Amazon gift certificate if you are not published. So, pick your favorites, follow their tours, and make sure you leave them a note to tell them you stopped by! ________________________________________ Joel M. Andre, author of the horror novel, The Black Chronicles: Cry
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Pump Up Your Book Chats with Kristy Haile

Californian Kristy Haile earned an Associate’s degree in Dental Hygiene from Northeastern University in Boston and then worked as a hygienist in Massachusetts and California. She moved from her hometown of Turlock, CA to Los Angeles, where her two children became actors on TV (The Office, Criminal Minds, Desperate Housewives), movies (Chihuahua: The Movie) and in commercials. At age 4, son Ty came to believe he was Santa Claus. Haile kept a journal of the funny and unusual things her son said and did over the next two years, as well as of people’s reactions to his self-identification as the “new real Santa Claus.” That journal was the basis
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Dear Sparkle Virtual Book Tour December ’10 – January ’11

Join Sparkle, author of the humor pet book, Dear Sparkle: Cat-to-Cat Advice from the World’s Foremost Feline Columnist (Adams Media) as she virtually tours the blogosphere December 6  2010 – January 19 2011 on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! About Sparkle Sparkle is an award-winning author, blogger, advice columnist and supermodel. She is also a cat – a ruddy Somali of champion lineage, in fact, whose father, GC Tajhara’s Miles Davis, was twice on the cover of Cat Fancy. Sparkle’s first book, Dear Sparkle: Advice from One Cat to Another, won the Wild Card category at the 2007 Hollywood Book Festival and honorable mentions
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Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour – Day 15

Welcome to Day Fiveteen of Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour! Follow along as these talented authors travel the blogosphere all month long to talk about their books, their lives and their future projects. Leave a comment at their blog stops and you could win a FREE virtual book tour if you’re a published author with a recent release or a $50 Amazon gift certificate if you are not published. So, pick your favorites, follow their tours, and make sure you leave them a note to tell them you stopped by! ________________________________________ Joel M. Andre, author of the horror novel, The Black Chronicles: Cry
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Let’s Talk Virtual Book Tours with Holiday Fiction Author Kristy Haile

Californian Kristy Haile earned an Associate’s degree in Dental Hygiene from Northeastern University in Boston and then worked as a hygienist in Massachusetts and California. She moved from her hometown of Turlock, CA to Los Angeles, where her two children became actors on TV (The Office, Criminal Minds, Desperate Housewives), movies (Chihuahua: The Movie) and in commercials. At age 4, son Ty came to believe he was Santa Claus. Haile kept a journal of the funny and unusual things her son said and did over the next two years, as well as of people’s reactions to his self-identification as the “new real Santa Claus.” That journal was the basis
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Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour – Day 14

Welcome to Day Fourteen of Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour! Follow along as these talented authors travel the blogosphere all month long to talk about their books, their lives and their future projects. Leave a comment at their blog stops and you could win a FREE virtual book tour if you’re a published author with a recent release or a $50 Amazon gift certificate if you are not published. So, pick your favorites, follow their tours, and make sure you leave them a note to tell them you stopped by! ________________________________________ Joel M. Andre, author of the horror novel, The Black Chronicles: Cry
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Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour – Day 13

Welcome to Day Thirteen of Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour! Follow along as these talented authors travel the blogosphere all month long to talk about their books, their lives and their future projects. Leave a comment at their blog stops and you could win a FREE virtual book tour if you’re a published author with a recent release or a $50 Amazon gift certificate if you are not published. So, pick your favorites, follow their tours, and make sure you leave them a note to tell them you stopped by! ________________________________________ Joel M. Andre, author of the horror novel, The Black Chronicles: Cry
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Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour – Day 12

Welcome to Day Twelve of Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour! Follow along as these talented authors travel the blogosphere all month long to talk about their books, their lives and their future projects. Leave a comment at their blog stops and you could win a FREE virtual book tour if you’re a published author with a recent release or a $50 Amazon gift certificate if you are not published. So, pick your favorites, follow their tours, and make sure you leave them a note to tell them you stopped by! ________________________________________ Joel M. Andre, author of the horror novel, The Black Chronicles: Cry of
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Sounds Like Crazy Virtual Book Tour Dec. ’10 – Jan. ’11

Join Shana Mahaffey, author of the women’s fiction novel, Sounds Like Crazy (Penguin) as she virtually tours the blogosphere December 6  2010 – January 14 2011 on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! About Shana Mahaffey Shana  Mahaffey lives in San Francisco in an Edwardian compound that she shares with an informal cooperative of family, friends and five cats. She’s a survivor of Catechism and cat scratch fever, and is a member of the Sanchez Grotto Annex, a writers’ community. Her work has been published in SoMa Literary Review and Sunset Magazine.  She welcomes all visitors to her website, and is happy to meet
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Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour – Day 11

Welcome to Day Eleven of Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour! Follow along as these talented authors travel the blogosphere all month long to talk about their books, their lives and their future projects. Leave a comment at their blog stops and you could win a FREE virtual book tour if you’re a published author with a recent release or a $50 Amazon gift certificate if you are not published. So, pick your favorites, follow their tours, and make sure you leave them a note to tell them you stopped by! ________________________________________ Joel M. Andre, author of the horror novel, The Black Chronicles: Cry of
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Literarily Speaking Virtual Book Club Selection – Invisible Path Giveaway

 Marilyn Meredith, author of Invisible Path, the latest book in her award-winning Deputy Tempe Crabtree series, will be our featured guest Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (November 15th – 17th) at Literarily Speaking. Marilyn will be participating in our Virtual Book Club Selection, a special feature that gives readers a chance to sample excerpts from a book, answer book club questions, and be entered to win a copy of the book being spotlighted. To become eligible to win, all you have to do is ask a question or leave a comment on all three days. One lucky reader who comments with their email address is put in a pot to win the book.
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A Death at the North Pole Virtual Book Tour December 2010

Join Joel M. Andre, author of the horror novel, A Death at the North Pole, as he virtually tours the blogosphere November 15 – December 17 ‘10 on his third virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! About Joel M. Andre Joel M. Andre was born January 13, 1981. At a young age he was fascinated with the written word. It was at fourteen that Poe blew his mind, and Andre began to dabble with darker poetry. Between the years of 1999 and 2007 Joel was featured in various poetry anthologies and publications. In 2008 he released his first collection, Pray the Rain Never Ends. Knowing there was
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The Tiny Angel Virtual Book Tour December ’10

Join Nancy Carty Lepri, author of the tween chapter book,  Tiny Angel (Guardian Angel Publishing, November 2009), as she virtually tours the blogosphere in December on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book. About Nancy Carty Lepri Nancy Carty Lepri, born and raised in Massachusetts, earned an AA degree in Visual Art from Cape Cod Community College and a BA in Liberal Studies with a concentration in writing from Western New England College. In addition, she was a freelance reporter for several local newspapers. In 1995, Nancy and her husband Art relocated to Wilmington NC where her publishing credits included the Wilmington Magazine as well as two national and international
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The Babysitting SugarPaw Virtual Book Tour December ’10

Join VS Grenier, author of the children’s picture book,  Babysitting SugarPaw (Halo Publishing Int., July 2009), as she virtually tours the blogosphere in December on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book. About VS Grenier VS Grenier is an award-winning author and editor who learned how to hone her writing skills at the Institute of Children’s Literature, and has been a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writer’s and Illustrators (SCBWI), the National Association of Professional Women (NAPW), the League of Utah Writers (HWG chapter), and Musing Our Children. Her works include Babysitting SugarPaw, the Best of Stories for Children Magazine Volume 1 anthology and over 30 short stories,
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The All’s Fair in Love and Law Virtual Book Tour December ’10

Join the sister writing team of K.M. Daughters,  author of the romantic suspense novel, All’s Fair in Love and Law (The Wild Rose Press), as she virtually tours the blogosphere in December 2010 on her second virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! About K.M. Daughters Sisters, Pat Casiello and Kathie Clare write as K.M. Daughters. Their penname is dedicated to the memory of their parents, Kay and Mickey, the “K” and “M” in K.M. Daughters. All’s Fair In Love And Law is the fourth book in the author’s acclaimed Sullivan Boys romantic suspense series. K.M. Daughters writes romantic suspense for The Wild Rose Press, inspirational romance for White Rose
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The Red Ink Virtual Book Tour December ’10

Join Kathi Macias, author of the Contemporary/International Thriller, Red Ink  (New Hope Publishers, October 2010), as she virtually tours the blogosphere in December 2010 on her sixth virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! About Kathi Macias Kathi Macias is a blogtalkradio host and an award-winning author of more than 30 books, including her popular Extreme Devotion series from New Hope Publishers and Valeria’s Cross from Abingdon Press. A wife, mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, Kathi lives in Southern California with her husband, Al, where the two of them spend their spare time riding Al’s Harley—hence, Kathi’s “road name” of Easy Writer! Her latest release is Red Ink, the third book
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Marie and Her Friend the Sea Turtle Virtual Book Tour December ’10

Join Nicole Weaver, author of the trilingual children’s picture book,  Marie and Her Friend the Sea Turtle/María y su amiga la Tortuga del mar/Marie et son amie la Tortue de mer (Outskirts Press), as she virtually tours the blogosphere in December on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book. About Nicole Weaver Nicole weaver was born in Port-au-Prince Haiti. She came to the United States when she was ten years old. She is fluent in Creole, French, Spanish and English. She is a veteran teacher of French and Spanish. She is the author of a children’s trilingual picture book titled Marie and Her Friend the Sea Turtle. The story is
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Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour – Day 10

Welcome to Day Ten of Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour! Follow along as these talented authors travel the blogosphere all month long to talk about their books, their lives and their future projects. Leave a comment at their blog stops and you could win a FREE virtual book tour if you’re a published author with a recent release or a $50 Amazon gift certificate if you are not published. So, pick your favorites, follow their tours, and make sure you leave them a note to tell them you stopped by! ________________________________________ Joel M. Andre, author of the horror novel, The Black Chronicles: Cry
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Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour – Day 8

Welcome to Day Eight of Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour! Follow along as these talented authors travel the blogosphere all month long to talk about their books, their lives and their future projects. Leave a comment at their blog stops and you could win a FREE virtual book tour if you’re a published author with a recent release or a $50 Amazon gift certificate if you are not published. So, pick your favorites, follow their tours, and make sure you leave them a note to tell them you stopped by! ________________________________________ Joel M. Andre, author of the horror novel, The Black Chronicles: Cry of
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Let’s Talk Virtual Book Tours with Children Book Authors K.D. Hays & Meg Weidman

K.D. Hays and Meg Weidman are a mother-daughter team who aspire to be professional roller coaster riders and who can tell you exactly what not to put in your pockets when you ride El Toro at Six Flags. Meg is studying art in a middle school magnet program. For fun, she jumps on a precision jump rope team and reads anything not associated with school work. K.D. Hays, who writes historical fiction under the name Kate Dolan, has been writing professionally since 1992. She holds a law degree from the University of Richmond and consequently hopes that her children will pursue studies in more prestigious fields such as plumbing
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Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour – Day 7

Welcome to Day Seven of Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour! Follow along as these talented authors travel the blogosphere all month long to talk about their books, their lives and their future projects. Leave a comment at their blog stops and you could win a FREE virtual book tour if you’re a published author with a recent release or a $50 Amazon gift certificate if you are not published. So, pick your favorites, follow their tours, and make sure you leave them a note to tell them you stopped by! ________________________________________ Joel M. Andre, author of the horror novel, The Black Chronicles: Cry
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Pump Up Your Book Chats with Motivational Self-Help Author Judi Moreo

Judi Moreo, CSP, is the publisher and one of the 26 authors in this book, Life Choices: Putting the Pieces Together. She is also the author of the best selling book, You Are More Than Enough: Every Woman’s Guide to Purpose, Passion, and Power, and its companion, Achievement Journal. She is a Certified Speking Professional (fewer than 10% of the speakers in the world hold this designation), an award-winning businesswoman and motivational speaker. Her superb talent for customizing programs to meet organizational needs has gained her a prestigious following around the world. Her passion for living an extraordinary life is mirrored in her zeal for helping others realize their
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Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour – Day 6

Welcome to Day Six of Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour! Follow along as these talented authors travel the blogosphere all month long to talk about their books, their lives and their future projects. Leave a comment at their blog stops and you could win a FREE virtual book tour if you’re a published author with a recent release or a $50 Amazon gift certificate if you are not published. So, pick your favorites, follow their tours, and make sure you leave them a note to tell them you stopped by! ________________________________________ Joel M. Andre, author of the horror novel, The Black Chronicles: Cry
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Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour – Day 5

Welcome to Day Five of Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour! Follow along as these talented authors travel the blogosphere all month long to talk about their books, their lives and their future projects. Leave a comment at their blog stops and you could win a FREE virtual book tour if you’re a published author with a recent release or a $50 Amazon gift certificate if you are not published. So, pick your favorites, follow their tours, and make sure you leave them a note to tell them you stopped by! ________________________________________ Joel M. Andre, author of the horror novel, The Black Chronicles: Cry
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Interview with Suspense Thriller Author John L. Betcher

John L. Betcher is a University of Minnesota Law School graduate and has practiced law for more than twenty-five years in the Mississippi River community of Red Wing, Minnesota.  He possesses substantial first-hand knowledge of the Prairie River Nuclear Plant’s real world counterpart, as well as Red Wing’s airport and the flight rules around the nuke plant. In addition to The 19th Element, he has published a second book in the “Beck” series entitled, The Missing Element, A James Becker Mystery.  The second book is available everywhere. The author has also been a long-time supporter and coach of youth volleyball in and around Red Wing and has authored three
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Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour – Day 4

Welcome to Day Four of Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour! Follow along as these talented authors travel the blogosphere all month long to talk about their books, their lives and their future projects. Leave a comment at their blog stops and you could win a FREE virtual book tour if you’re a published author with a recent release or a $50 Amazon gift certificate if you are not published. So, pick your favorites, follow their tours, and make sure you leave them a note to tell them you stopped by! ________________________________________ Joel M. Andre, author of the horror novel, The Black Chronicles: Cry of
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Pump Up Your Book Chats with Valmore Daniels

In true nomadic spirit, Valmore Daniels has lived on the coasts of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic Oceans, and dozens of points in between. An insatiable thirst for new experiences has led him to work in several fields, including legal research, elderly care, oil & gas administration, web design, government service, human resources, and retail business management. His enthusiasm for travel is only surpassed by his passion for telling tall tales. Valmore’s latest book is Forbidden the Stars, a sci-fi novel set at the end of the 21st century. Visit his website at Thank you for this interview, Valmore.  Do you remember writing stories as a child or
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Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour – Day 3

Welcome to Day Three of Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour! Follow along as these talented authors travel the blogosphere all month long to talk about their books, their lives and their future projects. Leave a comment at their blog stops and you could win a FREE virtual book tour if you’re a published author with a recent release or a $50 Amazon gift certificate if you are not published. So, pick your favorites, follow their tours, and make sure you leave them a note to tell them you stopped by! ________________________________________ Joel M. Andre, author of the horror novel, The Black Chronicles: Cry
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Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour – Day 2

Welcome to Day Two of Pump Up Your Book’s November 2010 Authors on Virtual Book Tour! Follow along as these talented authors travel the blogosphere all month long to talk about their books, their lives and their future projects. Leave a comment at their blog stops and you could win a FREE virtual book tour if you’re a published author with a recent release or a $50 Amazon gift certificate if you are not published. So, pick your favorites, follow their tours, and make sure you leave them a note to tell them you stopped by! ________________________________________ Joel M. Andre, author of the horror novel, The Black Chronicles: Cry
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