Posts Tagged ‘virtual book tours’

Against All Odds Virtual Book Tour March 2011

Join John Milton Langdon, author of the historical fiction novel, Against All Odds, as he virtually tours the blogosphere March 1 – March 25 2011 on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! About John Milton Langdon John Milton Langdon is a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers and has a master’s degree in maritime civil engineering.  Langdon retired and became a professional writer after an active and rewarding engineering career.  Initially he worked in Britain but from 1972 until 2008, he dealt with project development in Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Nigeria.  Langdon lives in the Austrian town of
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Pump Up Your Book’s February 2011 Authors on Virtual Book Tour – Day 4

Welcome to Day Four of Pump Up Your Book’s February 2011 Authors on Virtual Book Tour! Follow along as these talented authors travel the blogosphere all month long to talk about their books, their lives and their future projects. Leave a comment at their blog stops and you could win a FREE virtual book tour if you’re a published author or a $50 Amazon gift certificate if you are not published. So, pick your favorites, follow their tours, and make sure you leave them a note to tell them you stopped by! Lou Aronica, author of the fantasy novel, Blue, will be visiting Geek on the Brink and Examiner! Chris
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Pump Up Your Book Chats with Thriller Author Allan Leverone

Allan Leverone is a three-time Derringer Award Finalist whose short fiction has been featured in Needle: A Magazine of Noir, Shroud Magazine, Twisted Dreams, Mysterical-E and many other venues, both print and online. His debut thriller, titled FINAL VECTOR, is available February 2011 from Medallion Press. For details, please visit or his blog at Q: Thank you for this interview, Allan.  Can you tell us why you wrote your book? I’ve been an air traffic controller for the past twenty-nine years, getting hired by the FAA at the age of 22 after graduating college with a business degree I’ve still never used. Given the reality of air
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Chasing Zebras: The Unofficial Guide to House M.D. Virtual Book Tour March & April 2011

Join Barbara Barnett, author of the nonfiction television book, Chasing Zebras: The Unofficial Guide to House, M.D. (ECW Press), as she virtually tours the blogosphere March 1 – April 29 2011 on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! About Barbara Barnett Barbara Barnett is Co-Executive Editor of Blogcritics, an Internet magazine of pop culture, politics and more owned by Technorati Media. Always a pop-culture geek, Barbara was raised on a steady diet of TV (and TV dinners), but she always found her way to TV’s antiheroes and misunderstood champions, whether on TV, in the movies or in literature. Barnett’s regular column, “Welcome to the End
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Memoirs of a Widowed Mistress Virtual Book Tour March & April 2011

Join Megan Van Eyck, author of the memoir, Memoirs of a Widowed Mistress, as she virtually tours the blogosphere March 1 – April 29 2011 on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! About Megan Van Eyck Megan van Eyck lives near Seattle, Washington with her husband and children. Memoirs of a Widowed Mistress is her first memoir. You can visit Megan’s website at Connect with Megan at Twitter and Facebook below: About Memoirs of a Widowed Mistress Memoirs of a Widowed Mistress is a cautionary tale about the causal relationship between marital emotional neglect and questionable choices. It is a warning for the spouse
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Pump Up Your Book’s February 2011 Authors on Virtual Book Tour – Day 3

Welcome to Day Three of Pump Up Your Book’s February 2011 Authors on Virtual Book Tour! Follow along as these talented authors travel the blogosphere all month long to talk about their books, their lives and their future projects. Leave a comment at their blog stops and you could win a FREE virtual book tour if you’re a published author or a $50 Amazon gift certificate if you are not published. So, pick your favorites, follow their tours, and make sure you leave them a note to tell them you stopped by! Lou Aronica, author of the fantasy novel, Blue, will be visiting Emerald’sfire Bookmark and As I Turn
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Pump Up Your Book Chats with Women’s Fiction Author Becky Due

Becky Due is becoming the new voice of women’s fiction. She has the courage, honesty and writing style for today’s busy women, and she does not cringe away from hard issues. She will leave you feeling strong, self-confident, independent, and in control of your life. She has a way of sucking you into the story and changing your life with her fast-paced novels you won’t want to put down. Her novels are not the same story with different characters; she has a unique ability to cross every genre from light-hearted romance to heart-racing suspense to keep her readers entertained and inspired. This talented, intelligent writer is quickly becoming women’s
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Adventures in Nowhere Virtual Book Tour March & April 2011

Join John Ames, author of the coming of age novel, Adventures in Nowhere, as he virtually tours the blogosphere March 1 – April 29  2011 on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! About John Ames John Ames has a master’s degree in English from the University of Florida, where he was a Ford Fellow. After graduation, he built a rustic house and lived for several years on the edge of a spiritual community located near Gainesville, Florida. John’s search for enlightenment ended when he decided that he was too far from a movie theater. He moved inside the Gainesville city limits and taught English and
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Pump Up Your Book February 2011 Authors on Virtual Book Tour – Day 1

Welcome to Day One of Pump Up Your Book’s February 2011 Authors on Virtual Book Tour! Follow along as these talented authors travel the blogosphere all month long to talk about their books, their lives and their future projects. Leave a comment at their blog stops and you could win a FREE virtual book tour if you’re a published author or a $50 Amazon gift certificate if you are not published. So, pick your favorites, follow their tours, and make sure you leave them a note to tell them you stopped by! Lou Aronica, author of the fantasy novel, Blue, will be visiting In the Pages and Book Marketing
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New Book for Review: Family Drama Novel, ‘Exposure’ by Therese Fowler

Therese Fowler will be touring in May 2011 with her family drama novel, Exposure. In Exposure, Therese Fowler has written her most gripping novel to date—a ripped-from-the-headlines story of ardent young love and a nightmarish legal maelstrom that threatens to destroy two families. Amelia Wilkes’s strict father does not allow her to date, but that doesn’t stop the talented, winsome high school senior from carrying on a secret romance with her classmate Anthony Winter. Desperately in love, the two envision a life together and plan to tell Amelia’s parents only after she turns eighteen and is legally an adult. Anthony’s mother, Kim, who teaches at their school, knows—and keeps—their
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New Book for Review: Mystery/Detective Novel: ‘Love You More’ by Lisa Gardner

Lisa Gardner is touring in March 2011 with the latest book in her Detective D.D. Warren series, Love You More. WHO DO YOU LOVE?   One question, a split-second decision, and Brian Darby lies dead on the kitchen floor. His wife, state police trooper Tessa Leoni, claims to have shot him in self-defense, and bears the bruises to back up her tale. For veteran detective D. D. Warren it should be an open-and-shut case. But where is their six-year-old daughter?   AND HOW FAR WOULD YOU GO . . .   As the homicide investigation ratchets into a frantic statewide search for a missing child, D. D. Warren must
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New Book for Review: ‘Biographical Novel’ Elizabeth I by Margaret George

Margaret George is touring in May with her biographical novel, Elizabeth I. It is 1588, and the showdown between England and Spain has finally come.  Elizabeth and her island kingdom stand alone against the strongest country in Europe.  Yet after that triumph, she cannot rest.  There are many other challenges to her, and the ever-hanging question of the succession to the childless queen.  Surrounded by such larger-than-life characters as Drake, Shakespeare, the Earl of Essex, Raleigh, and Francis Bacon, the queen proves bigger than all of them. Her cousin and rival, Lettice Knollys, mother of the Earl of Essex and widow of Robert Dudley, who was Elizabeth’s love and
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New Book for Review: Mystery/Crime Novel ‘Angel Lost’ by F.M. Meredith

F.M. Meredith will be touring in March with the lastest book in her mystery/crime Rocky Bluff P.D. series, Angel Lost.  As plans for her perfect wedding fill her mind, Officer Stacey Wilbur is sent out to trap a flasher, the new hire realizes Rocky Bluff P.D. is not the answer to his problems, Abel Navarro’s can’t concentrate on the job because of worry about his mother, Officer Gordon Butler has his usual upsets, the sudden appearance of an angel in the window of a furniture store captures everyone’s imagination and causes problems for RBPD, and then the worst possible happens—will Stacey and Doug’s wedding take place?   196 pages
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A World I Never Made Virtual Book Tour March and April 2011

Join James LePore, author of the suspense  thriller, A World I Never Made (The Story Plant), as he virtually tours the blogosphere in March and April on his second virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! About James LePore James LePore is an attorney who has practiced law for more than two decades. He is also an accomplished photographer (his work can be seen at He lives in South Salem, New York with his wife, artist, Karen Chandler. A World I Never Made, his first novel, was written after extensive research into the history of Islam on the Iberian Peninsula, and travel in Europe and North Africa.
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Clock Work Online Series Tour February 2011

Join Erin Basset, author of the urban fantasy online series, Clock Work (Abandoned Towers Magazine), as she virtually tours the blogosphere February 14 – February 25 2011 on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! About Erin Bassett E.L. Bassett, informally Erin and familiarly Rin, has been writing since she was old enough to hold a pencil. Before that she was prone to telling you all about how her sister was an alien and her dog pulled carts for garden fairies and dragging you into to the backyard to show you were Flybys (insect like creatures with powers over the elements) were nesting. Her penchant for
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Final Mercy Virtual Book Tour February 2011

Join Frank Edwards, author of the medical thriller, Final Mercy (Zumaya Publications), as he virtually tours the blogosphere February 1 – February 25 2011 on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! About Frank Edwards Frank J. Edwards was born in Rochester New York.  In 1968 he entered the US Army and served a tour in Vietnam as a helicopter pilot.  He received a BA with honors in English from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill then attended medical school at the University of Rochester, graduating with an MD in 1979.  In 1989 he received an MFA in writing from Warren Wilson College in
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The Paris Wife Virtual Book Tour March 2011

Join Paula McLain, author of the historical novel, The Paris Wife (Ballantine Books, February 2011)  as she virtually tours the blogosphere in March 2011 on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! About Paula McLain Paula McLain received an MFA in poetry from the University of Michigan and has been a resident of Yaddo and the MacDowell Colony. She is the author of two collections of poetry, as well as a memoir, Like Family, and a first novel, A Ticket to Ride. She lives in Cleveland with her family. You can visit Paula McLain’s website to learn more about The Paris Wife at About The Paris Wife A
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One Pelican at a Time Virtual Book Tour, April and May 2011

Join Nancy Stewart, author of the children’s picture book, One Pelican at a Time (Guardian Angel Publishing, January 2011)  as she virtually tours the blogosphere in April and May 2011 on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! About Nancy Stewart After having been an elementary school teacher, a management consultant with New Options, Inc. in New York City and a university professor of education, Nancy Stewart now writes children’s books full time.  She, her husband and three sons, lived in London for eight years, where she was a consultant to several universities, including Cambridge. Nancy travels extensively throughout the world, most particularly Africa.  She is the US chair
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Released Virtual Book Tour February 2011

Join Tom Roy, author of the Christian Sports novel, Released (BMH Custom Books), as he virtually tours the blogosphere February 1 – February 25 ‘11 on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! About Tom Roy Tom Roy is the President and Founder of UPI. After a very brief time in the S.F. Giants organization, Tom went on to a career in radio, taking his first job in West Virginia. Shortly after that he felt the call of God to pursue a college degree and enrolled at Grace College in Winona Lake, IN. Upon completion of that degree he took a head baseball coaching job at a local high
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New Book for Review: Christian Contemporary International Thriller ‘People of the Book’ by Kathi Macias

Kathi Macias will be touring in May with the fourth book in her Extreme Devotion series, People of the Book.  Eighteen-year-old Farah, who lives in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, wants nothing more than to develop a deeper devotion to her Muslim faith. Then the prophet Isa—Jesus—appears to her in a dream and calls her to Himself. Her older brother, Kareem, who has never liked Farah, actively seeks to expose her for the sham he believes she is. At the same time, Farah’s 17-year-old cousin, Nura, begins frequenting an online chat room where former Muslims discuss their new Christian faith. While there, Nura meets an American girl of Muslim ancestry—now a
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Letters From Home Virtual Book Tour February & March 2011

Join Kristina McMorris, author of the women’s fiction novel, Letters From Home, as she virtually tours the blogosphere February 21 – March 25 2011 on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! About Kristina McMorris Kristina McMorris lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and two sons. Her foray into fiction began in the fall of 2006 as a result of interviewing her grandmother for the biographical section of a self-published cookbook intended as a holiday gift for the family. Inspired by her grandparents’ wartime courtship, Kristina penned her first novel, a WWII love story titled Letters from Home. This award-winning debut is scheduled for
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  • January 17, 2011
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Lessons from Stanley the Cat Virtual Book Tour February & March 2011

Join Dr. Jennifer Freed, author of the self-help humor book, Lessons from Stanley the Cat (Perigee Trade), as she virtually tours the blogosphere February 1 – March 25 ‘11 on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! About Dr. Jennifer Freed For more than 25 years, Jennifer Freed, Ph.D., has been a licensed marriage and family counselor, group psychotherapist and educator.  She was the Clinical Director at PACIFICA GRADUATE INSTITUTE, one of the country’s leading centers for depth psychology, where she continues to serve as a professor and workshop leader. Dr. Freed is a recognized expert on behavioral matters such as teen bullying, character development, marriage
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Outlander Virtual Book Tour February and March 2011

Join Diana Gabaldon, author of the historical science-fiction adventure romance novel, Outlander, as she virtually tours the blogosphere February 14th – March 11th on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! About Diana Gabaldon Diana Gabaldon is the author of the award-winning, #1 NYT-bestselling OUTLANDER novels, described by Salon magazine as “the smartest historical sci-fi adventure-romance story ever written by a science Ph.D. with a background in scripting “Scrooge McDuck” comics.” The adventure began in 1991 with the classic OUTLANDER (“historical fiction with a Moebius twist”), has continued through six more New York Times-bestselling novels–DRAGONFLY IN AMBER, VOYAGER, DRUMS OF AUTUMN, THE FIERY CROSS, A BREATH OF SNOW
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New Book for Review: Historical Sci-fi Adventure Romance Novel ‘Outlander’ by Diana Gabaldon

Diana Gabaldon is touring February 14th through March 11th, with her historical science-fiction adventure romance novel, Outlander, the first book in her Outlander series. Claire Randall is leading a double life. She has a husband in one century, and a lover in another… In 1945, Claire Randall, a former combat nurse, is back from the war and reunited with her husband on a second honeymoon–when she innocently touches a boulder in one of the ancient stone circles that dot the British Isles. Suddenly she is a Sassenach—an “outlander”—in a Scotland torn by war and raiding border clans in the year of our Lord…1743. Hurled back in time by forces
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New Book for Review: Women’s fiction book ‘Friendship Bread’

Darien Gee will be touring in May 2011 with her women’s fiction book, Frienship Bread. For fans of Kristin Hannah and Kate Jacobs, Darien Gee’s deeply felt and utterly charming novel follows two estranged sisters, three newfound friends, and—ultimately—a whole town brought together by a simple loaf of Amish Friendship Bread. 400 pages If you would like to review Friendship Bread, email us by clicking here and filling out the form or email Cheryl Malandrinos at cg20pm00(at)gmail(dot)com. Deadline for inquiries is April 1, 2011 or until the tour is filled. Thank you. UPDATE: THIS TOUR IS NOW FULL. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO BROWSE OUR OTHER TITLES AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW. THANK
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The Innocent Virtual Book Tour February 2011

Join Vincent Zandri, author of the thriller novel, The Innocent, as he virtually tours the blogosphere February 1 – February 25 ‘11 on his third virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! About Vincent Zandri Vincent Zandri is an essayist and freelance photojournalist, and the author of the recent bestsellers, The Remains, Moonlight Falls and The Innocent . His novel As Catch Can (Delacorte) was touted in two pre-publication articles by Publishers Weekly and was called “Brilliant” upon its publication by The New York Post. The Boston Herald attributed it as “The most arresting first crime novel to break into print this season.” Other novels include Godchild (Bantam/Dell)
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  • January 13, 2011
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Guest Posts: 50 ideas for great guest posts for authors on virtual book tours

When an author signs up for a virtual book tour with us, he more than likely will have to write a few guest posts (unless he specifies an all-review or all-interview tour). While it depends on how long his tour will be, he might be asked to write two, three, sometimes more guest posts.  The one thing the author needs to remember is that this is going to be one way to show everyone how well they can write.  Sometimes the reader picks up a certain style which may determine whether they may or may not buy their book, believe it or not.  What pressure! And sometimes the author’s
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What Exactly are Blog Tours, Virtual Book Tours, Online Book Tours, Etc.?

A blog tour, sometimes called a virtual book tour or an online book tour, is an intensive lesson in online marketing that allows others to find out about you and your book through interviews, guest posts, podcasts, or reviews.  Instead of the author leaving her home to tour with her book, she can do it from the comfort of her home which makes it easier for most and economically-wise, you can’t beat it. By now, most of you already know what a blog tour is.  Sometimes I take it for granted that everyone knows and you’d be surprised to this day I still get questions asking what they are.
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Crossing Borders Virtual Book Tour February 2011

Join Michael Ferris, author of the personal narrative, Crossing Borders, as he virtually tours the blogosphere February 1 – February 11 ‘11 on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! About Michael Ferris Michael Ferris, originally from St. Joseph, Michigan, started working in his father’s music store, Ferris Music Center, at the age of sixteen and started playing the classical guitar at the age of seventeen. Having had many wonderful teachers, not only with great talent but also great souls, he moved on to study at the internationally acclaimed Mozarteum University for Music and Applied Arts in Salzburg, Austria (*-Die Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst
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‘Sheetrock Angel’ Online Book Tour February 2011

Join Jeanne C. Davis, author of the psychological Mystery, Sheetrock Angel (CreateSpace), as she virtually tours the blogosphere February 1 – February 25 2011 on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! About Jeanne C. Davis Before Jeanne C. Davis seriously entertained writing a novel, she wrote for radio and television including staff jobs on DR. QUINN, MEDICINE WOMAN and the modern prequel to the BONANZA series, THE PONDEROSA. Between the numerous drafts of SHEETROCK ANGEL, she wrote, produced and directed the independent feature THE UNIFORM MOTION OF FOLLY. Her early career had little to do with writing – other than in her journal – and
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