Posts Tagged ‘virtual book tour’

Calling all bloggers to participate in Lakesha Monique Ruise’s Thy Kingdom Come Book Blast!

Hi everyone! We are recruiting bloggers to participate in Lakesha Monique Ruises’s Thy Kingdom Come Book Blast! This event will take place March 8 – April 8, 2013. Lakesha will be giving away a $25 VISA Gift Certificate. All bloggers who sign up are eligible to win! There will be no interviews, guest posts or reviews with this Book Blast. Just book spotlights in which we will send everything to you ahead of time for you to copy and paste into your blog on the selected day. When requesting a spot on his tour, please let us know which date would work for you. Thank you! ——————————— About Thy Kingdom Come:
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  • January 26, 2013
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Pump Up Your Book Presents Princess April Morning-Glory Virtual Book Publicity Tour + Win Kindle Fire HD!

Join Letitia Fairbanks, author of the children’s fiction, Princess April Morning-Glory, as she tours the blogosphere February 4 – April 26 2013 on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! In Letitia’s memory, Kelley Smoot Garrett, her step-daughter, will be on hand to answer interview questions on Letitia’s behalf. This tour is part of a huge Kindle Fire HD Giveaway. If interested in signing up for a review, interview, guest post, book spotlight or book trailer reveal, please let us know by contacting Dorothy at thewriterslife (at) or leave a comment below along with your contact information. ——————————————————————– ABOUT PRINCESS APRIL MORNING-GLORY At long last,
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Pump Up Your Book Presents Lessons From the Lemonade Stand Virtual Book Publicity Tour

Join James Berman, author of the Business/Personal Finance book, Lessons from the Lemonade Stand, as he tours the blogosphere March 4 – April 26 on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! ————————————————————— ABOUT LESSONS FROM THE LEMONADE STAND Written for aspiring investors of all ages, Lessons from the Lemonade Stand explains everything you need to know in the context of that most classic of all American businesses: the corner lemonade stand. Rooted in the fundamental truth that “common sense is the best investment tool,” the book slices important concepts into simple sections, sweetening them with folksy, easy-to-read language. The trials and tribulations of lemonade stand
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Pump Up Your Book Presents Rembrandt Sings Virtual Book Publicity Tour

Join Michael Johnston, author of the crime/mystery novel, Rembrandt Sings, as he tours the blogosphere February 18 – March 15,2013 on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! ——————————————————————– ABOUT MICHAEL JOHNSTON Michael Johnston was born in Leith in 1936 and grew up in the Scottish Borders. At school he was bookish and not keen on rugby. In 1950, he auditioned for the BBC and read a story on Children’s Hour. Leaving school he studied Textile Design but, in 1953, he also auditioned for the BBC Younger Generation programmes and for the next five years worked as an occasional freelance interviewer, presenter and question panel member.
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Pump Up Your Book Chats with Penny Kim, author of ‘Desert Wedding’

ABOUT PENNY KIM Penny Kim is a Washington, DC lurker and resident of Alexandria, Virginia. She is active in several area book groups that span several genres, from murder mysteries to chick lit and beyond. Currently working on her second book, her debut novel “Desert Wedding” is a compelling coming of age story for the Millennium generation. To purchase Desert Wedding, click here. ABOUT DESERT WEDDING There is nothing more exciting than when your best friend gets married. And for Elsie McKenna, it seems like she’s got the maid of honor thing figured out. But as the big day date gets closer and wedding planning takes over, Elsie’s friendship
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Pump Up Your Book Chats with Marc Cortez, author of A Gangster’s Garden

ABOUT MARC CORTEZ Marc Cortez began his storytelling career in the third grade, when he entered a school writing contest and won with his story THE ANT WHO STOLE EASTER. Since then he has become a marketing writer and frequent blogger, leveraging his writing skills into success as a business executive and entrepreneur. With A GANGSTER’S GARDEN, he has turned his lifelong passion for storytelling into a full-length novel. Mr. Cortez studied creative writing at the University of California, Los Angeles, and lives in California with his wife and two children. A GANGSTER’S GARDEN is his first novel. To purchase A Gangster’s Garden, click here. To find out more,
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Pump Up Your Book Presents The Abraham Man Virtual Book Tour

Join R. Gregory Lande, author of the American history of forensic psychiatry book, The Abraham Man: Madness, Malingering and the Development of Medical Testimony or Growth and Development of Forensic Psychiatry, as he tours the blogosphere February 4 – March 29th on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! ————————————————————— ABOUT THE ABRAHAM MAN The mere mention of the insanity defense guarantees a lively debate. Opponents of the defense cite the loss of criminal culpability while proponents argue just as passionately that the insanity defense is the ultimate act of compassion. The protagonists would probably be quite surprised to learn that the same basic concerns consumed
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Pump Up Your Book Presents The Moses Quilt Virtual Book Tour

Join Kathi Macias, author of the Christian contemporary women’s fiction book, The Moses Quilt, as she tours the blogosphere February 4 – March 5 on her thirteenth virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! ————————————————————— ABOUT THE MOSES QUILT The Moses Quilt is a contemporary novel that bridges racial and generational divides. With a realistic and compassionate look into a twenty-first-century dilemma, multiple award-winning author Kathi Macias introduces readers to a confused and apprehensive young woman, Mazie Hartford. Facing major decisions about the love of her life and her future, she must also wrestle with a nagging question about her family’s past. She finds the answer to her
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Pump Up Your Book Presents Buzzard Bay Virtual Book Publicity Tour

Join Bob Ferguson, author of the thriller, Buzzard Bay, as he tours the blogosphere February 4 – 28 on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! ————————————————————— ABOUT BUZZARD BAY Murder, drugs trafficking, kidnapping and betrayal are the detonators that set Bob Ferguson’s explosive thriller BUZZARD BAY into motion. The tale begins on a cold winter night in a remote area of Canada. Five assassins surround an old farm house. They have already made four kills and this one seems as routine as the others. But then a dog barks and the murderous plan is suddenly disrupted. In a breathless chase over the next two days,
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Pump Up Your Book Chats with AB Bard, author of ‘The Killer Poet’s Guide to Immortality’

ABOUT AB BARD Reclusive Seattle author AB Bard’s poetry has twice been nominated for the Pushcart. He is the author under a pseudonym of two other hysterical novels, or perhaps historical novels, neither of which is funny. Mr. Bard is not now, nor has he ever been, a member of the Republican Party. Mr. Bard does not Tweet. He was awarded a sheepskin (BAaa) from Reed College Sleeper Cell. His one super power is the ability to repel all conventional measures of literary success. Mr. Bard is lap to a cat, pal to a girl, God to a dog, & dog to the Man. To find out more, please
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Pump Up Your Book Presents Why Qualified People Don’t Get Hired or Stay With the Company Virtual Book Tour

Join Molita Powell, author of business/career book, Why Qualified People Don’t Get Hired or Stay With the Company, as she tours the blogosphere February 4 – February 28,2013 on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! ——————————————————————– ABOUT MOLITA POWELL This is the first book for Molita Powell. Her career has taken her from San Diego, California to Dallas, Texas. She has worked in small, medium and large companies across several industries and witnessed the growth, re-organization and demise of some of those companies. Others are struggling to keep up with competition and with the changing tides of the economy. ————————————————————– ABOUT WHY QUALIFIED PEOPLE DON’T
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  • January 15, 2013
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Pump Up Your Book Chats with Hunter Shea, author of ‘Swamp Monster Massacre’

ABOUT HUNTER SHEA Hunter Shea is the author of the novels Forest of Shadows and Evil Eternal, Swamp Monster Massacre and the upcoming Sinister Entity. His stories have appeared in numerous magazines, including Dark Moon Digest, Morpheus Tales and the upcoming anthology, Shocklines : Fresh Voices in Terror. His obsession with all things horrific has led him to real life exploration of the paranormal, interviews with exorcists and other things that would keep most people awake with the lights on. He is also half of the Monster Men video podcast, a fun look at the world of horror. You can read about his latest travails and communicate with him at, on Twitter @HunterShea1,
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  • January 13, 2013
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Pump Up Your Book Presents The Caselli Family Series Virtual Book Publicity Tour

Join Ta’Mara Hanscom, author of the Christian fiction novel, The Truth: Salvatore’s Revenge, as she tours the blogosphere February 4 – February 28,2013 on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! ——————————————————————– ABOUT TA’MARA HANSCOM Having experienced the healing work of the Lord in their own marriage, Ta`Mara and her husband, Jim, are strong promoters of a healthy marriage through obedience to Christ. Ta`Mara shares a testimony of deliverance and healing for hurting marriages, as well as messages on other topics. References can be provided. It is Ta`Mara’s prayer that, as the readers explore the truths in these volumes, they will come away with a new
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  • January 9, 2013
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Pump Up Your Book Presents Keeper of the Black Stones Virtual Book Publicity Tour

Join PT McHugh, author of the YA fantasy/time travel, Keeper of the Black Stones, as he tours the blogosphere February 15 – March 15 2013 on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! ————————————————- ABOUT PT MCHUGH PT McHugh didn’t start out as a storyteller. He was, however, born into a family of that encouraged imagination. He became a fan of history in school and then went to college to become a construction engineer, to build a world of straight lines, angles, and equations. He was just as surprised as everyone else when he realized that he believed in magic, and might just know the secret
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A Chat with ‘Gary’s Gray World’ Author Ryan J. Cunningham

Born in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1972, Ryan J. Cunningham discovered his passion for writing poetry and children’s stories at an early age. Throughout his high school and college years, he took writing courses to enhance his writing abilities. Ryan became a member of the SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators.) He published two inspirational books of poems titled “Angels Near and Far” and “Hearts, Hopes, and Halos.” His poetry and stories have been published in anthologies and magazines. Ryan presently resides in Coos Bay, Oregon where he spends his time hiking the trails, spending quality time with family, and working on his personal web site, ( to share his poems
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  • December 27, 2012
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Pump Up Your Book Presents Cry of Eagles Virtual Book Publicity Tour

Join Stefan Vucak, author of the political thriller, Cry of Eagles, as he tours the blogosphere January 2 – 31 2013 on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! ————————————————————— ABOUT STEFAN VUCAK Stefan Vucak is an award-winning author of seven techno sci-fi novels, including With Shadow and Thunder which was a 2002 EPPIE finalist. His Shadow Gods Saga books have been highly acclaimed by critics. His recent release, Cry of Eagles, won the coveted 2011 Readers Favorite silver medal award. Stefan leveraged a successful career in the Information Technology industry and applied that discipline to create realistic, highly believable storylines for his books. Born in Croatia,
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Pump Up Your Book Presents Your Road to Damascus: 6 Biblical Secrets for an Effective Job Search Virtual Book Publicity Tour

Join William Y. Higgins, author of the Christian business book, Your Road to Damascus: 6 Biblical Secrets for an Effective Job Search, as he tours the blogosphere January 21 – February  22, 2013 on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! ABOUT WILLIAM Y. HIGGINS The seed for this book was planted many years ago. Bill’s journey down his road to Damascus began as a senior in high school when he had his personal encounter with the risen Lord. Immediately upon graduation from high school he faced his first crossroad when contemplating what to do vocationally. He joined the U.S. Air Force because he really wasn’t sure
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Pump Up Your Book Presents MechaNation Virtual Book Publicity Tour

Join J.E. Dugas, author of the action/adventure science fiction novel, MechaNation, as he tours the blogosphere February 4 – February 28, 2013 on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! ABOUT J.E. DUGAS J.E. Dugas is the author of the multi-period action/adventure/science fiction series Rose Petals and Gun Powder (Rose Petals and Gun Powder, including , RPGP: Shadows of Life, RPGP: Lost Cove, RPGP: Wanderlust, and RPGP: Paradoxical, a Double Feature), as well as the new title MechaNation, a NanoPunk Thriller. J.E. is currently at work on its sequel, MechaNation: Rebirth. Prior to writing full time, J.E. spent over a decade in the private security and law
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  • December 16, 2012
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Pump Up Your Book Presents I Stood With Wellington and Forlorn Hope Virtual Book Publicity Tour

Join James Mace, author of the historical fiction novels, I Stood With Wellington and Forlorn Hope, as he tours the blogosphere January 14 – March 22, 2013 on his third virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! ABOUT JAMES MACE James Mace was born in Edmonds, Washington, and grew up in Meridian, Idaho. He joined the U.S. Air Force out of high school, and three years later changed over to the U.S. Army. He spent a career as a soldier, including service in the Iraq War. In 2011, he left his full-time position with Army Guard and devoted himself completely to writing. His series, “Soldier of Rome – The
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Pump Up Your Book Chats with Connie Corcoran Wilson

ABOUT CONNIE CORCORAN WILSON Connie (Corcoran) Wilson ( graduated from the University of Iowa and Western Illinois University, with additional study at Northern Illinois, the University of California at Berkeley, and the University of Chicago. She taught writing at 6 IA/IL colleges and has written for 5 newspapers and 7 blogs, including, currently, as a Featured Contributor to Yahoo. (2008 Content Producer of the Year). Her stories and interviews with writers such as David Morrell, Joe Hill, Kurt Vonnegut, Frederik Pohl, William F. Nolan, r. Barri Flowers, Eric Bogosian and Anne Perry have appeared online and in numerous journals. Her work has won prizes from “Whim’s Place Flash Fiction,”
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Pump Up Your Book Chats with Kyle Scott

ABOUT KYLE SCOTT Kyle Scott, PhD, teaches American politics and constitutional law at Duke University. He has published three books and dozens of articles on issues ranging from political parties to Plato. His commentary on contemporary politics has appeared in Forbes,, Christian Science Monitor,, and dozens of local outlets including the Philadelphia Inquirer and Baltimore Sun. To find out more, please visit Find him on Twitter at : ScottKyleA Find him on Facebook at : The Interview Q: Can you tell us why you wrote your book? In a time when our politics seems to be characterized by an insurmountable partisan divide it is important
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Pump Up Your Book Chats with Stan Crader

ABOUT STAN CRADER Stan Crader’s first book, ‘The Bridge’ spent several days on the best seller list for Christian fiction at both and His articles about flying have been published in flying magazines and local newspapers. He won a Bronze Quill award from the International Association of Business Communications for articles written for his company’s quarterly newsletter. Stan was born and raised in Bollinger County Missouri. Coming of age in rural Missouri provided him the material for many of the rich characters in his books. He credits the variety of jobs he had as a child and the people with which he worked for providing him his
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Pump Up Your Book Presents Ghost Mothers: Healing From the Pain of a Mother Who Wasn’t Really There Virtual Book Publicity Tour

Join Kathryn Rudlin, author of the self-help psychology book, Ghost Mothers: Healing From the Pain of a Mother Who Wasn’t Really There, as she tours the blogosphere January 14 – February 15, 2013 on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! ABOUT KATHRYN RUDLIN Kathryn Rudlin, LCSW has credentials as both a mental health professional, and a professional writer. Since 1988, she has worked in California as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), having completed her Masters Degree in Social Work at The University of Denver, a Bachelors Degree in Psychology at The American University, Washington DC, post-graduate courses in family therapy, and clinical supervision, and
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Pump Up Your Book Presents Kaleidoscope Summer: Samantha’s Story Virtual Book Publicity Tour

Join Rita Garcia, author of the contemporary inspirational fiction novel, Kaleidoscope Summer: Samantha’s Story, as she tours the blogosphere January 14 – February 15, 2013 on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! ABOUT RITA GARCIA Dr. Rita Garcia is an inspirational novelist—her imagination was creating stories when she was still too young to put pen to paper. Romance is a big part of her novels. Hope is an even larger element of the stories. Rita and her husband reside in Southern California. They have four adorable daughters and seven fantastic grandchildren who fill their lives with love and never a dull moment. She is a
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  • December 11, 2012
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Pump Up Your Book Presents Humanizing the Jaguar Virtual Book Publicity tour

Join Monica Daddio, author of the suspense, Humanizing the Jaguar, as she tours the blogosphere January 7 – January 25, 2013 on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! ABOUT MONICA DADDIO Monica Daddio was born and raised in Trenton, NJ. She attended St. Stephens and Holy Cross grammar schools, Junior 4, and Trenton High. From there went to wrok for Mercer County Elections Office. Most recently she has retired and relocated to the Bristol VA/TN area. Her passion and love has always been music and she will jokingly tell you that she is a professional listener. With a vast collection of over 500 artists, she has
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Pump Up Your Book Presents Reconstructing Jackson Virtual Book Publicity Tour

Join Holly Bush, author of the historical romance, Reconstructing Jackson, as she tours the blogosphere January 2 – 25 2013 on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! ABOUT HOLLY BUSH Holly Bush was born in western Pennsylvania to two avid readers. There was not a room in her home that did not hold a full bookcase. She worked in the hospitality industry, owning a restaurant for twenty years and recently worked as the sales and marketing director in the hospitality/tourism industry and is credited with building traffic to capacity for a local farm tour, bringing guests from twenty-two states, booked two years out. Holly has
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Pump Up Your Book Presents Voodoo in My Blood Virtual Book Publicity Tour

Join Pulitzer nominated Dr. Carolle Jean-Murat, author of the cultural heritage/spiritual book, Voodoo in My Blood: A Healer’s Journey from Surgeon to Shaman, as she tours the blogosphere January 7 through January 25, 2013 on her second virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! ABOUT DR. CAROLLE JEAN-MURAT Dr. Carolle was born and raised in Haiti to a family of healers, herbalists, midwives and shamans, and was educated in Haiti and the best universities in Mexico, Jamaica, and the US. After completing her postgraduate training in obstetrics and gynecology in Wisconsin she settled in San Diego in 1982. She soon was regarded as one of the best ob-gyn around—tall and regal,
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  • December 7, 2012
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Pump Up Your Book Presents It’s Nut Cuttin’ Time, America Virtual Book Publicity Tour

Join Patrick Dorinson, author of the political humor novel, It’s Nut Cuttin’ Time, America: The Moment of Truth Has Arrived, as he tours the blogosphere January 14 – March 15, 2013 on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! ABOUT PATRICK DORINSON Patrick Dorinson is a veteran of the political wars, radio talk show host and commentator who unlike many so-called pundits, has actually been in the arena and has the battle scars to prove it. He has been on both sides of the aisle and in the aisle itself, having worked over the last 25 year for Republicans and Democrats in both politics and government.
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Pump Up Your Book Chats with Rachel Reynolds

ABOUT RACHEL REYNOLDS Rachel Reynolds is a special educator and freelance writer. She currently serves as the principal of the Dominion School, operated byCommonwealth Autism Service. You can find her writing at Richmond Mom,Hello Grief, Richmond Magazine, the webzine Insert Eyeroll, and her personal blog, See What You Meme. She is also the co-founder and executive director of CJ’s Thumbs Up Foundation (CJSTUF). In 2012, Rachel was awarded the Eagle Rare Life Award for Courage. Rachel lives in Ashland, Virginia with her husband and two incredibly annoying (but completely adorable) cats. In her spare time, she obsesses over Don Draper, dark chocolate, and public radio personalities (not necessarily in that order). You can
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Pump Up Your Book Chats with Tracy Sands

ABOUT TRACY SANDS Tracy Sands is from Peachtree City, Georgia, where she lives with her husband, Albert, and their three sons, Chase, Gabe, and Adam. Tracy taught art and “church school” to all ages for many years. She now spends her time caring for her active family and working on The Christian Alphabet™. To find out more, please visit her at Q: Can you tell us why you wrote your book? I am a mother of three, an art teacher and a “Jesus Freak”. I love to teach at church because I can talk about Jesus and God and the Holy Spirit. Using my own artwork, The Christian
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