• January 8, 2016
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📚 Author Services

Thank you for trusting us with  your book publicity needs!  We offer several packages and can coordinate a package to suit your needs.  For virtual book tours, we need one month to six weeks lead time, please.  Our publicity packages range from $139 – $1049.  If interested in any of our packages, fill out the form below and we will contact you with whatever questions you might have.  Let us help you pump up your book!


Pump Up Your Book is an award-winning publicity company placing first in the P&E Readers Poll for Best Book Promotion Company


Bronze Book Tour Package

* One Month of Publicity (10 – 12) blog stops.

* Media Packet which will be sent to all blog hosts before your tour starts.

* Tour Banner in which you are free to place on your website or blog as well as your email signature line.  It’s yours to keep!

* Official tour page includes your book cover, book blurb, and buying information.  Also includes author bio including website links and other information the author would like included.  This page will also host your tour stops and comes with SEO optimization.

*Inclusion in our new PUYB Virtual Book Club in which you will receive a book promo page and you will be listed on our books of the month page.


*Social Media Exposure via participating bloggers and Pump Up Your Book.

*One-on-one contact throughout your tour. We will explain what is expected of you and us to make sure your tour runs smoothly and is a success. Your concerns will be met and any questions will be answered on a timely basis.

*This package can be made to order upon the author’s wishes which includes the duration and starting date.

Email us for rates.

Silver Book Tour Package

*One Month of Publicity (15 – 20 blog stops; may be more depending on blogger interest)

*Media Packet which will be sent to all blog hosts before your tour starts.

*Tour Banner in which you are free to place on your website or blog as well as your email signature line.  It’s yours to keep!

*Official tour page includes your book cover, book blurb, and buying information.  Also includes author bio including website links and other information the author would like included.  This page will also host your tour stops and comes with SEO optimization.


*You will receive one (minimum) personally made tweet directing our 10k+ followers on Twitter to your Amazon page daily.

*NEW! You will receive one Book Teaser Trailer which will be hosted at YouTube and Vimeo and promoted on our website, in the sidebar for min. one week, and various blogs. An example: https://youtu.be/zae2FGV-MMI

*NEW! Your Silver package includes 15+ ad graphics to promote your book during your tour. We will be using them in our promo to various social networks. They will be sent to you when the tour ends and are yours to keep.

*Inclusion in our new PUYB Virtual Book Club in which you will receive a book promo page and you will be listed on our books of the month page.

*Social Media Exposure via participating bloggers and Pump Up Your Book.

*One-on-one contact throughout your tour. We will explain what is expected of you and us to make sure your tour runs smoothly and is a success. Your concerns will be met and any questions will be answered on a timely basis.

*This package can be made to order upon the author’s wishes which includes the duration and starting date.

Email us for rates.

Gold Book Tour Package

*Two Months of Publicity (30 – 40 stops; may be more depending on blogger interest)

*Media Packet which will be sent to all blog hosts before your tour starts.

*Tour Banner in which you are free to place on your website or blog as well as your email signature line.  It’s yours to keep!

*Official tour page includes your book cover, book blurb, and buying information.  Also includes author bio including website links and other information the author would like included.  This page will also host your tour stops and comes with SEO optimization.


*You will receive two (minimum) personally made tweets directing our over 10k+ followers on Twitter to your Amazon page daily.

*NEW! You will receive one Book Teaser Trailer which will be hosted at YouTube and Vimeo, in the sidebar for min. one week, and promoted on our website and various blogs. An example: https://youtu.be/zae2FGV-MMI

*NEW! Your Gold package includes 15+ ad graphics to promote your book during your tour. We will be using them in our promo to various social networks. They will be sent to you when the tour ends and are yours to keep.

*Inclusion in our new PUYB Virtual Book Club in which you will receive a book promo page and you will be listed on our books of the month page.

*Social Media Exposure via participating bloggers and Pump Up Your Book.

*One-on-one contact throughout your tour. We will explain what is expected of you and us to make sure your tour runs smoothly and is a success. Your concerns will be met and any questions will be answered on a timely basis.

* This package can be made to order upon the author’s wishes which includes the duration and starting date.

Email us for rates.

Platinum Book Tour Package

*Three Months of Publicity (45+ stops; may be more depending on blogger interest)

*Media Packet which will be sent to all blog hosts before your tour starts.

*Tour Banner in which you are free to place on your website or blog as well as your email signature line.  It’s yours to keep!

*Official tour page includes your book cover, book blurb, and buying information.  Also includes author bio including website links and other information the author would like included.  This page will also host your tour stops and comes with SEO optimization.


*You will receive three (minimum) personally made tweets directing our over 10k+ followers on Twitter to your Amazon page daily.

*NEW! You will receive one Book Teaser Trailer which will be hosted at YouTube and Vimeo and promoted on our website, in the sidebar for min. one week, and various blogs. An example: https://youtu.be/zae2FGV-MMI

*NEW! Your Platinum package includes 20+ ad graphics to promote your book during your tour. We will be using them in our promo to various social networks. They will be sent to you when the tour ends and are yours to keep.

*Inclusion in our new PUYB Virtual Book Club in which you will receive a book promo page and you will be listed on our books of the month page. (In effect January 1, 2013)

*Social Media Exposure via participating bloggers and Pump Up Your Book.

*You will receive special placement in that month’s tours as Top Pick which includes graphic which will be used on your tour banner as well as in any teasers we make for you.

*One-on-one contact throughout your tour. We will explain what is expected of you and us to make sure your tour runs smoothly and is a success. Your concerns will be met and any questions will be answered on a timely basis.

*This package can be made to order upon the author’s wishes which includes the duration and starting date.

Email us for rates.

Platinum Plus Book Tour Package

*6 months of publicity (10 or more stops per month for six months including reviews, interviews, guest posts, and book spotlights).

*Three tweets per day directing readers/buyers to your Amazon book page for 6 months (excluding weekends & holidays).

*Official tour page includes your book cover, book blurb, and buying information.  Also includes author bio including website links and other information the author would like included.  This page will also host your tour stops and comes with SEO optimization.

*Tour Banner in which you are free to place on your website or blog as well as your email signature line.  It’s yours to keep!

*Media Packet which will be sent to all blog hosts before your tour starts.

*Your book will be chosen as our “Top Pick” including graphic which will be used on your tour banner as well as any teasers we may create for you.

*Inclusion on our PUYB Virtual Book Club page (includes promo page for your book and is included in the books of the month page)

*Social Media Exposure via participating bloggers and Pump Up Your Book.


*NEW! You will receive one Book Teaser Trailer which will be hosted at YouTube and Vimeo and promoted on our website, in the sidebar for min. one week, and various blogs. An example: https://youtu.be/zae2FGV-MMI

*NEW! Your Platinum Plus package includes 25+ ad graphics to promote your book during your tour. We will be using them in our promo to various social networks. They will be sent to you when the tour ends and are yours to keep.

*One-on-one contact throughout your tour. We will explain what is expected of you and us to make sure your tour runs smoothly and is a success. Your concerns will be met and any questions will be answered on a timely basis.

Email us for rates.

Testimonial 4

Additional Packages

One Month Book Blast

*One Month (15+ participants)

*Book Blast Page includes your book cover, book blurb, and buying information.  Also includes author bio including website links and other information the author would like included.  This page will also host your book blast stops and comes with SEO optimization.

*Maximum Social Media Exposure through participating blogs and Pump Up Your Book.

*Media Packet which will be sent to all blog hosts before your blast starts.

Email us for rates.

One Week Book Tour Package

* One Week Publicity (7) blog stops.

* Media Packet which will be sent to all blog hosts before your tour starts.

* Tour Banner in which you are free to place on your website or blog as well as your email signature line.  It’s yours to keep!

* Official tour page includes your book cover, book blurb, and buying information.  Also includes author bio including website links and other information the author would like included.  This page will also host your tour stops and comes with SEO optimization.

*Inclusion in our new PUYB Virtual Book Club in which you will receive a book promo page and you will be listed on our books of the month page.


*Social Media Exposure via participating bloggers and Pump Up Your Book.

*One-on-one contact throughout your tour. We will explain what is expected of you and us to make sure your tour runs smoothly and is a success. Your concerns will be met and any questions will be answered on a timely basis.

*This package can be made to order upon the author’s wishes which includes the duration and starting date.

Email us for rates.

Happy Book Birthday Release Day Blitz Package

  • Duration: One day on day of publication (no limit on participants)
  • Happy Birthday Page includes your book cover, book blurb, and buying information.  Also includes author bio including website links and other information the author would like included.  This page will also host your book birthday stops and comes with SEO optimization.
  • Media Packet which will be sent to all blog hosts before your blast starts.
  • Unlimited Promotional Graphics to promote your release will be sent to tour hosts and they are yours to keep.

Email us for rates.

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All fees must be paid when you book either your virtual book tour or any other promotional campaign.


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