The Active Creative Child Virtual Book Tour November & December ’10

The Active Creative Child

Join Stephanie Vlahov, author of the parenting/holistic health book, The Active Creative Child – Parenting in Perpetual Motion (Hohm Press), as she virtually tours the blogosphere in November and December on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book!

About Stephanie Vlahov

stephanie vlahov

Stephanie Vlahov has her Masters Degree in Therapy/Counseling, in addition to a year of clinical internship in psychiatric settings. . However, her “day job” is that of corporate recruiter. She is married and has two sons-one of whom (Alex) was the impetus for the book “The Active Creative Child.” Now 21, he attends the prestigious London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts (LAMDA ) after attending two years at UCLA in the theatre dept. Stephanie’s passion is writing and painting. Through years in community theatre and school involvement, she has drawn upon her well of professional insight and “gut level” parental intuition to draw up one conclusion: We are over diagnosing and labeling some of our most creative minds. While not discounting the validity of a real disorder, ADHD has become a catch all “diagnosis” for children who march to the beat of a different drummer. One of her goals is to empower parents to question the oft heard need to diagnose their child-from educational systems that often hamper creativity at the expense of test scores.” If Einstein were alive today, he would be put on Ritalin.”

For more information on Stephanie and her book visit

The Active Creative Child is her first book.

About The Active Creative Child

The Active Creative Child The Active Creative Child was born out of the need to validate and celebrate the boundless energy oftentimes negated in a highly active child. In these current economic times of budget shortfalls within our educational institutions, there is more emphasis now than ever on “teaching to the test” to obtain high test scores. This translates to more funding. Children who are disruptive are considered a nuisance and distraction. Teachers “routinely” suggest to parents to have their child “evaluated” for ADHD. Oftentimes these comments stem from frustration with normal developmental activity (i.e. a wiggly 1st grade boy) or, a child who may wish to color the sky purple instead of blue.

Yes. children need parameters and they need to conform in a group setting. This issue goes beyond that. We are stifling some of our most brilliant minds.

“ADHD – like” behavior has been linked neurologically to “out of the box” and creative thought process(es.) While I am not a physician, I can see that this is the case in the children that I have known over the years through my activity in childrens theatre. Alex was a questioning whirling dervish of activity-obsessed with the world of imagination and theatre. I saw in him the incessant pulse of activity and the need to create. If channeled correctly while working within the educational system, an active creative child can and will enrich the lives of those around him.


Stephanie Vlahov’s THE ACTIVE CREATIVE CHILD’S VIRTUAL BOOK TOUR ‘10 will officially begin on November 15th and ends on December 17th. If you would like to participate in this tour, please contact Tracee Gleichner at tgleichner(at)live(dot)com. Thank you! banner-bar1

One Response to “The Active Creative Child Virtual Book Tour November & December ’10”

  1. Enjoyed reading the book, though my creative children have long flown the coop. I have a 3 year old grand nephew who fits the description though. He has forced his parents to leave a restaurant beause of his antics, has dismantled and overturned store mannequins in shoe stores at the mall, and gets into conversations with the shoe salesmen while asking for M and Ms. Active, verbal, unconventional.

    Thanks for the book, Stephanie. My review: click here.

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