📚 Pump Up Your Book Presents The Knowing Virtual Book Publicity Tour #fantasy #anthology #shortstories

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Pump Up Your Book is pleased to bring you Brit Lunden’s THE KNOWING Virtual Book Tour March 2 – 27!

Like fantasy anthologies? THE KNOWING by Brit Lunden @britlunden #newrelease #fantasy #anthology #asmsg #puyb Share on X

Inside the Book

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Author: Brit Lunden
Publisher: Chelshire, Inc.
Pages: 106
Genre: Fantasy Anthology/Short Stories


Bulwark- a wall or stockade that protects or sometimes hides the truth from the outside world. Bulwark, Georgia, isolated, hidden. Who knows what strange things can happen when the rest of the world can’t see you? JB Stratton is alone in the world, and all he has left are the memories of his beloved Ellie. Dirt poor JB and wealthy Ellie feel an instant connection that is as intense and primal as the blood red earth of their home. Unseen roots connect them, pulling them into an impossible relationship. Will the memories of past lives help or hinder the path of their love? Based on the original novella Bulwark, by Brit Lunden, The Knowing continues the story of a town isolated from the rest of the world where the impossible becomes plausible, and logic is determined by reality.

“THE KNOWING is a wonderfully written romance, a time-hopping supernatural mystery, and an all-around good time–a worthy addition to Brit Lunden’s Bulwark anthology.” – Lisa Butts for IndieReader

“Lunden’s characters feel real, and their interactions make the story work quite well. Her plot is engaging and suitably dark, making this an entertaining urban fantasy tale. The Knowing: A Bulwark Anthology is a well written and engrossing read. It’s most highly recommended.” – Jack Magnus, Readers’ Favorite

“Romance devotees looking for a quick, colorful read should consider The Knowing, which might spark interest in checking out the preceding novella and other installments in the Bulwark Anthology, all of which are currently available in paperback and ebook.” – BlueInk Reviews

An interesting read and wonderful first addition to what seems to be an anthology with much promise. – Insatiable Readers (blog)

The skillful storytelling brings the characters to life and provides a highly immersive reading experience… I strongly urge you to read Brit Lunden’s original novella Bulwark as well, which sets the stage for all the characters in the anthology and offers more excitement for fans of paranormal thrillers. – Ice Fairy’s Treasure Chest (blog)

The Knowing, as its title suggests, makes a compelling pull in such a short space of pages, absolutely filled with emotion and conveying a powerfully romantic story line in sharp contrast to the previous book, but also very fitting of the town and its tone. Readers seeking an immersive new series where they can experience all different story types within the same, dark mysterious world are certain to love The Knowing and the Bulwark Anthology in general.” – K. C. Finn, Readers’ Favorite

“The story is brief yet impactful as the details included and the images they paint are emotionally evocative. The wisdom of characters such as Bear Bryant shines through and adds a beautiful touch to the already delightful love story. The intensity of JB and Ellie’s relationship plus the paranormal aspects of their story makes it even more enthralling. The Knowing by Brit Lunden is a well-told tantalizing read.” – Edith Wairimu, Readers’ Favorite

“It is a beautifully written love story encompassing the present, past, and even past lives. It is a romance with a hint of the supernatural. It is well written with a level of area building and character development often unseen in shorter books. It was easy to read this in one sitting; the story is sweet, intriguing, and sometimes moving. It has certainly piqued my interest in other books by this author, especially the Bulwark, from which this story stems. ” – K.J. Simmill, Readers’ Favorite

“The engaging tale’s centerpiece is the teens’ romance, with a Southern setting the author masterfully captures… The unadorned prose and concise descriptions make for a quick read all the way to the bittersweet ending… A short but undeniably charming love story.” – Kirkus Reviews 

“When two people find each other and then lose each other, it sometimes takes extraordinary happenings to bring them back together. “The Knowing” is a quick little story underwritten with the paranormal, and this keeps readers guessing. What could possibly go wrong in this strange world?” – Long And Short Reviews

“For those readers looking for a fast-paced paranormal mystery novel with excellent, vivid descriptive elements, this is a great choice for you. I believe that Brit Lunden’s works are destined to become a classic in paranormal short story fiction.” – Patricia Lynn Dompieri, Lemon Bee & Other Peculiar Tales


Amazon → https://amzn.to/39skWYJ

 Barnes & Noble → https://bit.ly/38gvppU



Meet The Author

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Brit Lunden is a prolific author who’s written over 50 books in assorted genres under different pen names. Bulwark was her first effort in adult fiction and was chosen by several of her fellow authors as the basis for a new series, A Bulwark Anthology.  Using her characters, they are creating new denizens in spin-off stories to this bizarre town. Brit Lunden lives on Long Island in a house full of helpful ghosts.


Website: https://www.britlunden.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BritLunden

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/britlunden


The Knowing xxx


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