📚 Pump Up Your Book Presents Mocha, Moonlight and Murder Virtual Book Publicity Tour #romance #mystery

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Pump Up Your Book is pleased to bring you MaryAnn Kempher’s MOCHA, MOONLIGHT AND MURDER Virtual Book Tour February 17 – May 15!

A Romantic Suspense Must Read! MOCHA, MOONLIGHT AND MURDER by MaryAnn Kempher #newrelease #puyb #rommystery Share on X

Inside the Book

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Author: MaryAnn Kempher
Publisher: Independent
Pages: 248
Genre: Romance Mystery


One night, 28-year-old, Katherine O’Brian, decides to walk to an all-night diner. The only problem? It’s midnight, but Katherine lives in Reno Nevada, a city that never sleeps; she can clearly see the diner’s lights in the distance. It’s no big deal, until she passes someone’s garage where a man is loading a dead body into the trunk of his car.

And now, she’s in trouble. She outran the man that night, and while she has no idea who he is, he knows who she is. And he wants her dead.

As if attempts on her life weren’t stressful enough, Katherine has gone back to college. She’s determined to finally finish her degree, but her lab partner is driving her crazy. He’s hot, but annoying. And she’s not sure which she wants more—a night of mad, passionate sex or a new lab partner. It varies from day to day.

Will Katherine give in to her lust for her partner or will she give in to her desire to throttle him? If she’s in the ground before graduation, it won’t matter.

Not your typical romance, not your typical mystery.


Amazon → https://amzn.to/2OkHlii


Meet The Author

MaryAnne Kempher

For many years, MaryAnn Kempher lived in Reno Nevada where most of her stories are set. Her books are an entertaining mix of mystery and humor. She lives in the Tampa Florida area with her husband, two children, and a very snooty Chorkie.


Website: http://www.mkempher.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorMaryAnnKempher/


Blog Tour Highlights 2


Monday, February 17

Virtual Book Tour Kick Off at PUYB Virtual Book club

Tuesday, February 18

Book Teaser Feature at YouTube

Wednesday, February 19

First chapter Reveal at The Writer’s Life

Thursday, February 20

Book Feature at My Book Launch


Tuesday, February 25

Book Feature at Books Dreams Life

Interview at Literarily Speaking

“Assuming the book is finished and you are self-publishing, pay to get it professionally edited and proofread. This can be expensive, but it’s worth it. Also, pay for a professional cover. Give a lot of thought to the back-cover blurb. The first thing people see is the cover, then what do they do? They read the blurb. So, both are extremely important. All of the above, except the cover, still applies for those seeing to have their book traditionally published. If you are, and are lucky enough to have an  agent request a partial and then a full, you’ll want your book to be highly polished before sending to that agent.”

Friday, February 28

Book Feature at The Bookworm Lodge

Book Feature at Lisa EverYday Reads


Monday, March 2

Book Feature at I’m Shelf-Ish

Tuesday, March 3

Character Interview at Pimp That Character

“What do people like the most about me? Probably my sense of humor. I can be sarcastic and I’ve been called a smart you know what, but I’m not mean.”

Wednesday, March 4

Book Feature at What The Cat Read

Thursday, March 5

Interview at Book cover Junkie

“Mocha, Moonlight, and Murder is book one of a seven book series. It was published through a small publishing company. I was not happy with them, so bought the rights to my book back. I, then, published Mocha and the next six books through Amazon.”


Monday, March 9

Interview at Blogging Authors

“My most exciting moment?When Mocha, Moonlight, and Murder broke Amazon’s top 100. It didn’t last and it didn’t translate to overnight success, but it was still pretty cool.”

Tuesday, March 10

Book Feature at A Title Wave

Wednesday, March 11

Interview at A Blue Million Books

“Never say never, but rarely do I put sex in my books, other than my first—Mocha, Moonlight, and Murder—which is a romance/mystery.”

Thursday, March 12

Book Review at Words I Write Crazy

“This was a sweet, cute read, and I enjoyed it a lot!”


Monday, March 16

Interview at Chapter Break

“Until the moment I decided to write my first book, I don’t remember giving the possibility a thought at all. I was reading the news at my computer and saw a story about a large shopping chain that had been doing something legal, but unethical. A story popped into my head. I turned to my husband and said, “I think I’m going to write a book.”

Tuesday, March 17

First Chapter Reveal at Read My First chapter

Thursday, March 19

Book Feature at The Book Connection


Monday, March 23

Book Feature at Jazzy Book Reviews

Tuesday, March 24

Interview at My Bookish Pleasures

“Mocha, Moonlight, and Murder is book one of a seven book series. I just published book seven in January 2020, so I’m taking a break. After a short break, I’ll begin writing a new series, sort of a spin-off—focusing on two of the supporting, but very beloved, characters from books two through seven.”

Friday, March 27

Guest Blogging at Confessions of an Eccentric Bookaholic

“My books can be read out of order, but you will enjoy them more if you read them in order. A lot of the same characters are in all the books, so they will become like family to you.”


Wednesday, April 1

Interview at The Writer’s Life

“I made the process harder than it had to be. Regardless of genre, my advice would be to do your research. Buy books on the writing process, don’t assume you know what to do. Just like with anything, if you’ve never done it before—you should be open to study. If possible, travel to the location of your book. Then, once you feel ready, create a rough outline. Try not to edit during the writing process, not a lot anyway. Just get the words down. Sure, the first draft might really stink, or not—but that’s what the revision process is for; to make that dirty diamond shine. Write, every day, if possible. Nobody is going to write your book for you. Don’t give up.”


Monday, April 6

Interview at Books Can Be Deadly

“With Mocha, Moonlight, and Murder, my favorite part to write was the dialogue between the two main characters. For the mystery element of my writing, I like giving clues, but also red herrings. I love when my readers say they thought they’d figured out who the killer was, but were wrong.”

Tuesday, April 7

First Chapter Reveal at the Dark Phantom Reviews

Wednesday, April 8

Book Feature at Write and Take Flight

Thursday, April 9

Interview at BookHounds

“I start with an idea, then create one- or two-line scene prompts. Once I’ve written the beginning of the book, I write without an outline and just let the words flow.”


Monday, April 13

Interview at Nuttin’ But Books

“Assuming the book is finished and you are self-publishing, pay to get it professionally edited and proofread. This can be expensive, but it’s worth it. Also, pay for a professional cover. Give a lot of thought to the back-cover blurb. The first thing people see is the cover, then what do they do? They read the blurb. So, both are extremely important.”

Thursday, April 16

Interview at As the Page Turns

“Regardless of genre, my advice would be to do your research. Buy books on the writing process, don’t assume you know what to do. Just like with anything, if you’ve never done it before—you should be open to study. Then, once you feel ready, create a rough outline. Nothing too involved. Ideally, you should know who gets killed, who the killer is and why they killed that person. If possible, travel to the location of your book. Try not to edit during the writing process, not a lot anyway. Just get the words down. Sure, the first draft might really stink, or not—but that’s what the revision process is for; to make that dirty diamond shine. Write, every day, if possible. Nobody is going to write your book for you. Don’t give up.”

Book Review at Momma says: To Read Or Not To Read

“I think those who like a touch of mystery with their romance will enjoy this one, and it’s a pretty good series start.”


Monday, April 20

Book Review at ebook addicts

Tuesday, April 21

Interview at Self-Publishing Showcase

“You must be willing to pay someone to edit and proofread your book. You will not see the errors. And, covers. The cover is the first thing a reader sees. Some things are well worth paying a professional to do for you.”

Thursday, April 23

Book Review at Gimme the Scoop Reviews

“Be prepared to hit the floor running “literally” when you start reading this wild blend of murder and romance. The action starts straightaway and keeps you going with surprising twists and lots of fun. The romance was a bit lacking  and slow drawn out but overall I enjoyed the story. Loved the cover! Thought it had a good creepy factor.”


Monday, April 27

Interview at Book Publishing Secrets

“I’ve had ups and downs. All my books have done relatively well. My first book made it into Amazon’s top 100. However, it’s been hard to maintain that momentum. Having been published traditionally and having self-published, I’ve found self-publishing to be the best route for me. I like the control it gives me.”

Thursday, April 30

Book Feature at Book Bloggin’ Princess


Monday, May 4

Book Trailer Feature at The Writer’s Life

Tuesday, May 5

Interview at the Dark Phantom Reviews

“Assuming the book is finished and you are self-publishing, pay to get it professionally edited and proofread. This can be expensive, but it’s worth it. Also, pay for a professional cover. Give a lot of thought to the back-cover blurb. The first thing people see is the cover, then what do they do? They read the blurb. So, both are extremely important.”

Thursday, May 7

Guest Blogging at Literarily Speaking


Monday, May 11

Book Trailer Feature at Blogging Authors

Tuesday, May 12

Interview at I’m Shelf-ish

Friday, May 15

Book Feature at medium


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