📚 Pump Up Your Book Presents Hello, My Love Virtual Book Publicity Tour

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Like women's fiction? HELLO, MY LOVE by @eholychair #PUYB #ASMSG http://tinyurl.com/y8x95k2j Share on X

Pump Up Your Book is pleased to bring you Evy Journey’s HELLO, MY LOVE Blog Tour August 1 – 31!

Hello, My Love

Inside the Book

Author: Evy Journey
Publisher: Sojourner Books
Pages: 317
Genre: Contemporary Women’s Fiction


In this modern-day tale inspired by Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, bright, beautiful law student Elise Halverson looks forward to a promising career. Falling in love is low in her priorities.

Well-known playboy Greg Thorpe is engaged to be married when he meets Elise. He finds her so unlike the women he used to date and he’s deeply intrigued. Distrusting the image she has of him, Elise avoids him.

But Elise’s parents invite Greg to their frequent dinner parties. There, Greg and Elise butt heads. She’s surprised to find that, behind his rich playboy persona, he’s intelligent and engaging.

The night before his wedding, they give in to their mutual attraction. Although Elise expects nothing more from that night, Greg is in for trouble. His jilted fiancée strikes back, intent on revenge.

Two years later Greg and Elise get a second chance but they find that the way to their happy-ever-after is not so easy.

At the core of this women’s fiction is a literary and realistic romance spiced with a twist of mystery. Hello My Love is Book 1 in the series Between Two Worlds, a family saga about three strong women.


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Meet the Author

Evy Journey

Evy Journey has always been fascinated with words and seduced by beautiful prose. She loves Jane Austen and invokes her spirit every time she spins tales of love, loss, and finding one’s way—stories she interweaves with mystery or intrigue and sets in various locales. SPR (Self Publishing Review) awarded Evy the 2015 Independent Woman Author bronze for her writing.

She’s lived and traveled in many places, from Asia to Europe. Often she’s ended up in Paris, though—her favorite place in the world. She’s an observer-wanderer. A flâneuse, as the French would say.

The mind is what fascinates her most. Armed with a Ph.D., she researched and spearheaded the development of mental health programs. And wrote like an academic. Not a good thing if you want to sound like a normal person. So, in 2012, she began to write fiction (mostly happy fiction) as an antidote.

Evy’s latest book is the contemporary women’s fiction, Hello, My Love.




Tour Schedule

Tuesday, August 1

Interview at The Writer’s Life

Wednesday, August 2

Book Review at Books, Reviews, ETC.

Thursday, August 3

Book Featured at What Is That Book About

Friday, August 4

Book Review at Lauren’s Crammed Bookshelf


Monday, August 7

Book Review at Books, Dreams Life

Tuesday, August 8

Guest Blogging at Lori’s Reading Corner

Wednesday, August 9

Book Featured at A Title Wave

Thursday, August 10

Book Review at Our Families Adventure

Friday, August 11

Book Featured at The Literary Nook


Monday, August 14

Book Featured at The Bookworm Lodge

Tuesday, August 15

Book Featured at I’m Shelf-ish

Wednesday, August 16

Book Review at Stormy Nights Reviewing & Bloggin’

Thursday, August 17

Book Featured at Nicole’s Book Musings

Friday, August 18

Book Review at Cheryl’s Book Nook


Monday, August 21

Guest Blogging at Blogging Authors

Tuesday, August 22

Book Featured at CBY Book Club

Wednesday, August 23

Book Review & Guest Blogging at My Life. One Story at a Time.

Thursday, August 24

Book Review at StoreyBook Reviews

Book Review at Books for Books

Friday, August 25

Book Review at Simply Kelina


Monday, August 28

Book Review at Ashley’s Bookshelf

Thursday, August 31

Book Review at Rainy Book Reviews



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