• May 14, 2016
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Book Marketing Tip: How Important Is Your Book Cover?

We have had thousands of book covers come through whether they are for blog tours, book blasts, cover reveals, trailer blitzs, and review campaigns to name a few.  One of our most recent things we offer are the book review campaigns.  The book review campaigns are for  authors wanting more reviews at Amazon.  Plus, the bloggers may add your review to your page at Goodreads and your selling page at B&N as well as on their own blog.  Just what the author wants.  But the main focus is Amazon.  This is where books get noticed.  The more reviews your book gets, not only will that make your book look credible and buyable, but Amazon adds special promotions for your book plus companies you may want to submit your book to like BookBub for example favor books that have lots of reviews.

So since we’re talking about reviews, let me focus more on the book covers that have come in for this particular campaign we offer.  A lot of authors ask “How many reviews will I get?”  Good question and definitely a concern.  I tell them that it depends on the book which doesn’t really answer their question, does it?  But it’s a fact and that book cover is the first thing the reviewers see.

I did an informal self-survey on which books were being picked up more so than others.  It’s a constant thing I do – among other things – to find out which is the best way to get these books picked up by reviewers.  I don’t show any partiality to any books that come through and promote them just the same.

The book being picked up most by reviewers from my experience is a romantic comedy titled The Average Girl by Angelina Goode.  I know most of my reviewers on a first name basis as some are on my blog host email list while others are on a special Amazon reviewer list and I kind of know which books they like to review.  Most are open to just about anything and a certain percentage is open to certain genres only.  Angelina is still on her book review campaign so not all her reviews are up so she’ll receive even more reviews at Amazon as time goes on which was her goal.

But studying book covers for some time now, I understand this book’s popularity among my reviewers.  Take a look.

The Average Girl

Fun, huh?  Not all reviewers are into romantic comedy, but this is the book that has gotten more review requests than any other.

Whether you are self-publishing or are published by a traditional publisher, that book cover has to be your number one concern.  They say first impressions count; so it does with book covers.

When you are about to publish a book, do a search in Amazon and look at the other book covers of your genre and note how well they are selling.  It doesn’t hurt to start out with a professional top-notch eye-catching gotta-buy-it cover!  Remember, you are your book’s lifeline.


Dorothy Thompson is founder of Pump Up Your Book, an award-winning public relations agency specializing in virtual book tours and media marketing for authors’ books. She is also the co-author of the soon-to-be-released paranormal romance mystery, Romancing the Million $$$ Ghost, editor of the relationship book, Romancing the Soul and the soon-to-be-released relationship book, Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Soul Mates And Were Not Afraid to Ask as well as many more in various formats.  She loves hiking, biking and camping.

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