Book Marketing Videos: Why I Turned Down A Book Publishing House To Self Publish My Book!

Book Marketing Videos

I simply loved this video on several points and I knew I had to include it in my Book Marketing Video Showcase today.  This guy makes a very strong point(s) on why he decided to self-pub.  If you watch the video and have been down this road before, I’ll probably see you nodding as you’re watching.  One strong point I got out of this video is that in order to sell your book, it really helps if you already have an audience.  If you’re just starting out and haven’t gotten that far yet to achieve a substantial amount of an audience, then you’re going to have a rougher time of it.  If you have worked at building a following whether it be on Twitter or Facebook or wherever, the odds are more in your favor that you might sell your book once it is published.  I can’t stress it strongly enough that building email lists are worth their weight in gold.  He makes other really good points, too.  Self-pubbing isn’t for the squeamish but it’s really not hard to do once you learn how to do it and there are people out there who you can outsource to do things you can’t do – for example, make a terrific book cover for you.  Go into Amazon and study covers of your genre and you can pretty much get a feel of what you want and you relay this information over to a cover designer.  Don’t know how to format for the Kindle store?  There are people out there who will do this for you cheap.  Anyway, watch the video; it’s really interesting!

Happy book marketing!

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