New Self-Help Spiritual Book For Review: Illumination by Carrieanne Fonger

Illumination Carrieanne Fonger will be touring October 1 – 26 with her self-help spiritual novel, Illumination!

What is your heart telling you?

In a time filled with anguish and despair, truth and certainty call out to all souls, begging each individual to awaken to his or her true self…

You are amidst a revolution in consciousness. It is time to remember your divine potential, claim your divine inheritance and embrace your awakening heart.

ILLUMINATION reveals the powerful personal journey of spiritual emergence and the evolution of the soul.

After many years of helping clients work through personal transformation, Carrieanne Fonger has discovered a series of steps that everyone takes on their passage into awareness. Find out where you are on this pilgrimage and how spiritual emergence and the evolution of the soul are directing you toward the discovery of your divine self.

156 pages

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If you would like to review Illumination, please email Tracee Gleichner at tgleichner(at) Please mention which date would work for you. Carrieanne is also available for interviews and guest posts. Thank you!

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