Pump Up Chats with Entrepreneur and Author Andreas Dudas

Andreas Dudas photo

Andreas was born in 1964 in Switzerland to immigrant parents who spent more than 10 years in a forced labour camp. He was constantly ridiculed by the citizens of his home town, bullied by his fellow students, excluded from any social and sports activities and dismissed from school. Despite such an adverse, he was not willing to comprise himself for the sake of others’ opinions or letting people influence him in a negative way. Against all odds, he started to develop both a thick skin for fighting his way towards a life he really deserved and a big heart respecting others despite their harsh behaviour. The reward? People started to admire him for his credibility and integrity earned through his authentic life and leadership style and began to entrust him with the most challenging leadership tasks. He turned multi-billion infrastructure projects around, restructured successfully difficult ventures in emerging markets, which were initially doomed to failure or helped to successfully settle geo-political conflicts. It was only then when he recognised his true life purpose: to encourage and empower individuals to live an authentic life for reaching their deepest fulfillment and becoming outstanding leaders who make a real difference to this world.

Over the years Andreas has become a real advocate for authentic (life) leadership. Experiences have also taught him the importance of combining traditional elements of management and leadership with Eastern philosophy. He has worked for over 20 years in international management in top executive positions across various industries and in more than 25 different countries, mostly in developing and emerging markets. His career has taken him to Latin America, the United States, the Middle East and throughout Asia. Apart from his extensive involvement in top management positions he acts as mental trainer and motivational speaker and has added his vast life and leadership experience to empowering thousands of people for living and leading authentically.

Andreas studied at various international universities and holds an MSc in civil engineering, an MBA in leadership and cross-functional teambuilding, and an MSc in logistics and supply chain management. Furthermore, he has a degree in international conflict management, inter-cultural communication and holds a diploma in mental training and coaching.

Andreas has been breathing and living leadership over more than 20. He has inspired and trained thousands of people, partly through “horse-assisted” leadership trainings, a groundbreaking method for empowering authentic individuals.

Visit www.andreasdudas.com or for more information.

Thank you for this interview, Andreas. Do you remember writing stories as a child or did the writing bug come later? Do you remember your first published piece?

I always wrote short stories as a child, but actually, I became a real writing bug only a couple of years ago, when I travelled extensively and therefore had a lot of time to write articles and books.

What do you consider as the most frustrating side of becoming a published author and what has been the most rewarding?

The most frustrating side of becoming a published author is going the extra mile, which applies at least to me. I love creating things, I like to be innovative and I am very good at building things up. All this is real fun! However, when it comes to finishing a book including all the proof-reading, editing, re-editing and so on I get really bored and exhausted. Luckily enough, I have always gotten strong support from my wife who is a really good “finisher”. When I finished the first draft version of my book in German, my wife did an outstanding job by re-arranging some chapters and adding a few more paragraphs, which in turn added a lot of value.

The most rewarding side is that I can fully live up to my “true self.” Writing is my passion and my vocation, and I like to express my thoughts and opinions to the fullest. Furthermore, it is an extreme pleasure to share everything I have learned so far in my life with other people. I am so grateful for all the good things and valuable lessons I could experience so far, and therefore, it is both a privilege and pleasure to share these things with all my readers.

Are you married or single and how do you combine the writing life with home life? Do you have support?

I have been married for almost 25 years. My wife is the most precious gem I ever possessed and she has always been a great supporter of all my dreams and visions. Thanks to her I can truly live up to my authentic calling.

Can you tell us about your latest book and why you wrote it?

Do You Dare To Be Yourself? is completely different from other “self-help-books”. Do You Dare To Be Yourself? can be described as Who Moved my Cheese? meets If Life is a Game, These are the Rules. It is not a self-help book or how-to book. Instead it combines elements of leadership, self-help, and spiritual wisdom genres in a compelling narrative.
Based on my fascinating real life experiences gained all over the world and written in a fable form Do You Dare To Be Yourself? tells the story of the polar bear, Robin, as he journeys to his own authentic self. The polar bear is a metaphor for power, strength, resilience and emotional stability – traits found in people following the transforming power of being authentic. His coach, a wise eagle, called Alva accompanies him on all his journeys so as to provide mental techniques, advice and moral support.

Do You Dare To Be Yourself? has been written with a clear intention to empower individuals for finding meaning and purpose through an authentic life, and to empower leaders to Do You Dare Front Cover gain (reclaim) credibility so as to win people’s hearts and meet successfully the challenges of the 21st century. For people feeling that they would like to change something in their lives or careers, the book will be definitely a wake-up call empowering them to move out from the comfort zone.

Can you share an excerpt?

Excerpt from chapter 1, The rewards of authenticity:

The thick layer of powdery snow billowing over Agalom was unusual for this time of year. But in his stubborn way, Robin wearily trudged up a hill, the last hurdle before reaching his beloved hometown of Hamersflö. The polar bear had eaten little over the past few days, and sleep hadn’t crossed his mind. Adrenaline kept him awake, despite the exhaustion.

Robin’s seldom-flagging willpower and stubbornness gave him what he needed to make most of his dreams come true. His desire to tell people back home all about his grand adventures and profound insights drove him on through the swirling snow. Over the past few days, Robin had walked for miles over the ice—after a sudden squall at sea had blown him far off course, forcing him to abandon his raft in a fiord.

Even in snowstorms where temperatures dropped below freezing, and when surrounded by thick fog, Robin could find his way across the endless frozen desert. Being alone no longer bothered him. He’d learned to accept that he’d leave some friends behind if he followed his own path. Many had criticized and envied him simply because they didn’t understand why he had to follow his true calling, walking away from it all—including a secure job with excellent career opportunities.

“Be yourself!” his coach the eagle Alva reminded him, over and over again. “Don’t let anyone change you. Follow your inner compass! Then you’ll find the greatest treasure of all, the treasure everyone is searching for. But remember, you’ll have to pay a steep price: you’ll have to always do it alone.”

Alva, a loyal companion, seldom strayed far from Robin. This sleek bird with the distinctive white markings in the middle of her forehead hopped happily along, following in Robin’s large footsteps. A light and gentle breeze ruffled the feathers of her dark chocolate coat. The eagle took off, soaring high up into the sky, shooting back down to “whoosh” over her protégé’s head, enveloping Robin in a cloud of white snow. The polar bear listened as the soft sound of flapping wings faded in the distance.

Robin hunched over—plowing his way through the snow clouds. He didn’t want to lose Alva. As the flurry of snowflakes settled, Robin could make out the large rock that marked the highest point of the hill just ahead. He stopped to watch the eagle sitting on the rock, gracefully craning her neck. Something had captured Alva’s attention. Robin called out, but failed to get a reaction from the eagle. Even Robin’s mastery of animal communications and his extraordinary telepathic skills didn’t do him any good.
Robin reached the summit in a few short steps. When he finally caught up with Alva, he stroked the eagle’s soft feathery head. Both sets of eyes searched the wide plains of Agalom. Finally, Robin spied their hometown on the far horizon. His weary eyes filled with hot tears. He remembered how he’d sat in this very spot so many years ago, when he’d decided to set out on an exciting journey toward discovering his authentic self.

The last rays of the warm evening sun enveloped and caressed his gleaming, gold-tinged white fur. Over the past years, Robin had turned into a remarkably handsome bear. He felt particularly proud of his thick fur coat. Not only did it protect him from the harsh cold of the Arctic winter, it also helped him to build emotional strength, live authentically, and move toward self-fulfillment. His thick fur had given him the inner strength to cope with the trials and tribulations of everyday life. Robin had learned that those who attain self-fulfillment also develop high self-esteem. By simply being a polar bear, he had everything that he needed to face any challenge that might push him off his path.

This hadn’t always been the case. Years ago, constant fear ruled Robin’s life. He was worried that he might never amount to anything, that others wouldn’t accept him. Coupled with that fear was the constant uncertainty. He agreed to anything and everything, trying to guess and satisfy the unspoken needs of others. “How crazy,” he thought. “So many creatures never question what they’re told.”

Robin’s fears had tormented him. He became prone to frequent violent outbursts, in which he snapped at others and threw temper tantrums. He constantly worried about what others expected of him. In those days, Robin had firmly believed that it was wrong to make your own decisions. He feared that the other animals thought him to be stubborn, or that his choices were wrong—and so his doubts urged him to abandon his true self.

He wondered why he’d acted that way. The answer was simple. He’d always received a reward for this behavior. For a fleeting moment, he felt needed and acknowledged. He’d valued praise and respect much more than listening to his true self. In retrospect, it seemed he’d needed to destroy everything that made him unique—for the sake of being popular—and that he had completely lost his self-respect.

Other animals became jealous and criticized him. Each time he took the tiniest step forward, complainers, show-offs, and hypocrites tried to derail him. They used money, career opportunities, and power to seduce him into giving into their desires. Luckily, all of that had passed by him already—they were no longer a concern.

Robin licked his beautiful white fur proudly. Many envied his thick coat, the sign of a true polar bar. Thanks to Alva, his life coach, Robin’s self-awareness had grown—he was finally living up to the reputation of his species. Today, all of the challenges he once faced, blocking his path to authenticity, rolled off his thick fur like the melting snow.

The desire to develop his individuality, to stay true to himself, to apply his talents and creative energies, to recognize the core of his being, and to live life to the fullest provided the keys to his self-fulfillment. “Only he who is himself and thus fully expresses the genius within lives authentically,” thought Robin out loud. “That’s the reward for our troubles. How can it be that authentic polar bears are so hard to find in today’s world?

“Where are the creatures courageously following their true paths? Where did those go who, in spite of their weaknesses, lack of competence or status, will take a righteous stand? Who has the courage to stay true to their own values, even when they don’t coincide with society’s ideas? Who can do this without any hope of reward or recognition? Are such noble creatures truly an endangered species? Or can they follow the path of authenticity?”

Robin now knew the answers to all of these questions. He felt confident, and hoped with all of his heart that soon, more creatures with a polar bear mentality would populate the Earth. These creatures would achieve true authenticity, regardless of whether other animals appreciated, respected, or agreed with them. Unfortunately, many had yet to find the great reward that would be theirs—absolute self-confidence—that, in its turn, creates an individual of fantastic mental strength.

Sighing, Robin slowly closed his eyes as he recalled his many adventures, and how interesting it had been to eventually find the path to his true self.

Where’s your favorite place to write at home?

My favorite place to write is not at home but in an airplane. Over the last couple of years I have been travelling so much that I had enough time write almost my entire book in an airplane. To me the plane has become a truly inspiring place for creating new ideas, coming up with innovative solutions or fancy stories.

What is one thing about your book that makes it different from other books on the market?

Do You Dare To Be Yourself? is different from any other “self-help-books”. The book combines elements of leadership, self-help, and spiritual wisdom genres in a compelling narrative. Readers will easily identify with Robin and his life and career experiences, his choices and failures, as he picks himself up and makes progress toward his goal of living an authentic life. It touches the hearts and emotions of readers, which is the key to making real changes in life. Many people who read Do You Dare To Be Yourself? took a drastic turn in their lives and achieved greatness by just daring to be themselves. Many left their jobs and founded successfully their own companies; others changed their career or even their profession for the sake of following their true passion driven by their authentic calling. People will not just understand in their minds but also feel in their hearts what benefit they can gain by being truly authentic.

Tables are turned…what is one thing you’d like to say to your audience who might buy your book one day?

Take your current age and deduct it from the average life expectancy (it amounts to 78.3 years for Americans). What is left are the years remaining for living up to your full potential. How many years do you have left? Do you really live your life? Do you express all your talents, dreams and values on a daily basis? Life is too short for not living authentically, and it costs far too much to not follow your heart. Life is by far too short for worrying, being scared or having doubts! Start now the life you really deserve. Forget about complainers, show-offs or hypocrites trying to derail you. Live now your unique individuality driven by a deeper meaning and leading to joy, which will in turn leave your legacy on this planet. Years ago I was involved in a bombing attack in Asia and luckily I survived, but I saw many people dying. One important lesson I learned then was: “When facing death, you have nothing to lose. You take risks, because you realize just how useless it is to live in constant fear or to strive for false security. The future and the past have no meaning. Your worldly possessions can no longer help you. The only thing that matters is the here and now. Live each day as if it was your last !” (also a short excerpt taken from my book)

Thank you for this interview, Andreas. Good luck on your virtual book tour!

Many thanks for giving me the opportunity to present my book and reveal some thoughts!

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