New Book for Review: Monsters of L.A.

Lisa Morton will be touring December 5-16 with her horror fiction collection Monsters of L.A.

monsters_lg Frankenstein, Dracula, Mr. Hyde, the Phantom, the Hunchback…they’re all here, the ones you grew up watching on the silver screen. But these monsters aren’t lumbering across a fog-shrouded moor or clambering along the ramparts of a Gothic castle; no, they’re here, in sunny modern-day Southern California, in places you know and may have visited. That homeless vet with the rebuilt leg lounging before the liquor store in Santa Monica – could that be Frankenstein’s monster? The eerie host making promises at the end of an Orange County amusement park ride – is he really the Devil? Some of these monsters you might recognize instantly – it’s hard to disguise a Giant Monster, after all – but you’ll never know what to expect in these stories that range from black humor to the farthest extremes of extreme fiction.

320 pages.

If you would like to review Monsters of L.A., please fill out the form below or email Tracee Gleichner at tracee(at) Thank you!

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