Book Review: Lessons from Stanley the Cat

Lessons from Stanley the Cat Title: Lessons from Stanley the Cat: Nine Lives of Everyday Wisdom
Author: Jennifer Freed
Paperback: 117 pages
Genre: Humor
Publisher: Perigee Trade (October 5, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN – 0399536159
ISBN – 978-0399536151

About the Book:

Seduction is just the practice of artful stretching.

Never let people know how fast you are.

Appear slow in all things, and less is expected of you.

When someone is on the computer too long, help them by distracting them, or walk lightly on their keyboard.

So advises Stanley, a remarkably astute cat with a keen eye for the important things in life. Perhaps you don’t have time for yoga, can’t afford therapy, or wouldn’t dare cry to mother. If so, let Stanley be your guide. Lessons from Stanley the Cat: Nine Lives of Everyday Wisdom offers wise and witty maxims from Stanley himself, translated by his doting psychotherapist (human) parent, Jennifer Freed. Whether you’re a cat lover or prefer companions of the canine variety, Stanley’s warmth and insight are sure to brighten even the grayest days.


Forget dogs. The world has definitely gone to the cats.  Namely Stanley the Cat. 

Lessons from Stanley the Cat: Nine Lives of Everyday Wisdom by Jennifer Freed is a book filled with the unadulterated yet frank, comical and on-the-spot wisdom from a feline who was wise beyond his cat years. As the title suggests, Stanley  evokes some very interesting lessons to his readers which will definitely give you a “right on!” moment.

Jennifer begins her book by introducing us to Stanley and the part he played in her life.  Jennifer says, “Stanley was the love of my life” which tells us Stanley has passed, yet left an impact on her that was so dramatic, she dedicated this book to him.

Stanley leaves no stone unturned with such enjoyable words of feline wisdom such as “Pursue your goals like prey” and “When someone is touching you in the wrong way, a little scratch or bite will tell them to stop.”  What little do we know about cats if only we stop and listen to them?

In the writing of this book, I truly believe Freed was channeling Stanley in a way that exists in everyone, yet we’re too blind to realize it.  Such simple advice and yet the reach goes beyond our own intelligence sometimes.

I especially loved “When you do not feel beautiful, do not look in the mirror.  Look into the eyes of people or creatures that love you.  Everything else is temporary and matters very little.”

I must give  credit to the illustrator, Tone Gellerstedt for doing a stellar job illustrating this book and to Freed who was fortunate enough to realize the wisdom of a cat named Stanley and put his words to paper so eloquently.  Definitely one of the best feel good books I’ve ever read.

You can pick up a copy for yourself at Amazon.

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