Pump Up Your Book Chats with Amanda Wolfe, author of “Beneath the Silver Lining Trilogy”

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Amanda Wolfe was born in the mid 60’s. She matured at a very young age out of necessity, growing up in unusual circumstances. She has always been a happy go lucky, care free spirit with the amazing ability to smile even when things were tough. She is a very strong willed person. She has done everything from Waitress to owning her own restaurant and selling things from Mary Kay cosmetics to real estate. She is married to a wonderful man.They currently re-side in the great state of Texas with their horse. When she is not at home writing her next novel you will find them flying in their plane and traveling the world together.

Thank you for this interview, Amanda. Do you remember writing stories as a child or did the writing bug come later? Do you remember your first published piece?

Amanda, When I was younger I started writing a novel about the haunted houses that I have lived in throughout my life. I didn’t finish it.Then I started writing this in April of this year and I have been writing almost none stop since.

Beneath the Silver Lining

What do you consider as the most frustrating side of becoming a published author and what has been the most rewarding?

The most frustrating part for me was the editing of the book. Someone told me once that the worst thing that can happen to a writer is the editor. I laughed until I found out it was the truth! The most rewarding is when it arrives on your doorstep in actual book form. It is an amazing feeling of accomplishment.

Are you married or single and how do you combine the writing life with home life? Do you have support?

I am married, I like to write in the evenings I find it easier to concentrate then. So during the day I am with my husband we have a home based business. So at night he relaxes in front of the television and I relax in front of my Mac. He is the greatest support system any one person could ever dare hope to have. I don’t think I could have completed this without him.

What do you like to do for fun when you’re not writing? Where do you like to vacation? Can you tell us briefly about this?

We like to travel, my favorite vacation spot in the world is going to sound a little crazy maybe, but it is a little place just outside of Northbay Ontario Canada. It is absolutely spectacular there are over 200 lakes all sporting a different fish and different colored waters we meet my family there every year. To camp, fish and hunt Moose and Black bear it’s great.

Beneath the silver lining

If you could be anywhere in the world for one hour right now, where would that place be and why?

Laying on the beach at Emerald Lake. Life has been so busy for us for the last couple of years, we haven’t stopped. So we haven’t been able to make it back there for a while. I found myself a little homesick for it this year.

Who is your biggest fan?

That would be a toss I think between my husband and my middle granddaughter…

Where’s your favorite place to write at home?

I like to write my notes on the back deck with a cup of my husband’s fabulous Latte, but I like to write in my office with the door closed.

Do you have any pets?

Yes we have 4 horses and we did have a miniature American Eskimo but we asked our daughter to dog sit for us one week a year ago. And now we just have visitation rights!! Our grandchildren won’t give her back.

Tell us a secret no one else knows.

I keep a stash of coco covered almonds behind my books!

What’s on your to do list today?

Feed and work the horses, call my girlfriend to wish her a happy birthday. Help my husband build me a pantry off the kitchen. Then writing after dinner.

Now I’ve got a couple of fun questions for you. If Tom Hanks, in the movie Cast Away, unearthed a copy of your book, how would that help him find a way off the island?

Well that’s a tough one!! It would either inspire him to get off his duff and build a raft or he would jump in the Ocean and hope to be eaten by a big fish!!!

You have a chance to appear on the hit talent show for authors, American Book Idol, with judges Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson, Kara Dioguardi and the newest addition, Ellen DeGeneres, to determine whether your book will make it to Hollywood and become a big screenplay where you’d make millions of dollars. What would impress them more – your book cover, an excerpt or your author photo – and why?

It would definitely be an excerpt from the book. Because if they read one page they would have to continue reading until the end and then they would be hounding me for the second book!! At least this is my fervent hope.

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